"File" Drop Down in Lister Menu All Whited Out


Have tried all settings from using solid color to my own backgrounds and the File drop down is all white.

Have provided two shots for clarification.

Thanks for any help.

EDIT and FILE drop down menu-

I've never seen that before. Does it happen whether or not a file is selected?

It might be best to attach a zip of your configuration so that others can try to reproduce the problem. (Remember to remove anything sensitive like FTP passwords.)

Thanks for the reply.

I think I found the configuration file and attached.
Layouts.rar (2.63 KB)

That's only a tiny part of your config. Use Settings -> Backup & Restore to create an archive of the entire thing.

OK, that should be it.

Thanks much.
Opus Config - 23-Dec-2007.rar (35.9 KB)

I have an idea about what's causing this.

If you go into Customize mode and open the File menu, there should be something called "File Context Menu", which turns into the context menu for the selected file(s) when outside of Customize mode.

Delete the "File Context Menu" item. Does the problem go away?

If it does then my bet is that something in the context menu is using "ownerdraw" items (where the program that adds the context menu item draws on the menu itself instead of just providing a name and icon for Opus to draw) and is messing up the painting (e.g. by leaving the background set to White after painting its item, instead of putting things back the way they were).

If that is the case then we should track down which context menu item is causing it and ask them to fix their bug, but let's wait and see if my theory is correct.