This has actually been an issue that has bothered me for a long time, and only today did I think to submit a feature fix request.
When using File Explorer, I want all folders to always open in the same Opus window. To achieve this, I confirmed that I had enabled the setting to bring the previous active window to the front when opening. However, this doesn't always work. While it might be effective in some common scenarios, once I've used the computer for a while, I suddenly find that Opus has opened multiple windows. This is terrible as it completely defeats the purpose of having multiple tabs. Having multiple windows alongside multiple tabs creates confusion. I just want Opus to provide a setting that always ensures it only opens one window, rather than opening new windows without my knowledge.
The premise of this issue is that I have confirmed all relevant settings are enabled, including the one you mentioned about opening external folders in new tabs. In fact, regardless of the settings, it's impossible to completely guarantee that all folders will open in just one window. Of course, I haven't carefully observed exactly what operations lead to new windows opening, because it doesn't happen easily when I deliberately try to test it. However, once I use the computer continuously for an extended period, I suddenly notice this issue. Of course, I will pay attention to the triggering scenarios in the near future.
I'm confident this must be an Opus issue, as I also use a third-party file manager on my Mac computer, and that software has never opened a second window. I believe my usage habits should be the same on both computers.
Regarding the duration of this issue, from my recollection, this problem has persisted from Opus 12 through to Opus 13. While I can't provide specific dates, I have personally been using Opus as my file manager for at least 3 years. Previously, whenever I noticed multiple windows were open, I would manually close them. I believe I have repeated this action many times.
In the video, I'm using a script to open folders. The script's function is very simple - it gets the directory of the currently running program and then directly opens that directory.
Specifically, I'm using a scripting language called AHK (AutoHotkey), and the opening method simply uses the default Run method with the path passed directly to it.
I've double-checked, and AHK is just calling a Python program that I wrote myself. The actual folder opening operation is performed by that Python program. However, I've lost the source code of that Python program, and I'm not sure how I implemented the folder opening operation at the time. But I can confirm that I didn't import any third-party libraries, so it should just be some simple system function calls.
In any case, the opening method shouldn't have anything special about it.
Looking at the parameters I used, I didn't set any special permissions. I will try to recover the program's source code from my old computer today. If I find it, I will provide the specific code that was used.