File/folder time

I always view in "List Mode"
But whenver I need to know the file/folder's date, and I know it's time to switch to "Detail Mode" so that I could see it...
it's troublesome...
Can anybody tell me how I should I do to make date/time show on statusbar ???

You can't make it appear on the status bar but you can make it appear in a tooltip.

If your tool tips don't already show the date then go to Settings -> File Types and edit some of the generic types at the top. You probably only need to edit the All Files & Folders type, in fact. Click to the Info Tip tab and you can insert whatever information you want using the drop-down menu/button near the bottom.

Some file types or file type groups (e.g. Images) may have their own, more specific Info Tip configurations which may need editing as well.