I hope the topic description is fair enough but, being weak on tech terms, I struggle with self-evident descriptions. Sorry.
First, I hope everyone had a great Christmas and awesome New Year, and that 2018 will be a prosperous year for everyone.
Second, I hope you purchased the yacht of your dreams with my last Dopus subscription, Leo.
My problem is :
• I assign a variety of colour labels to my filenames. They mean things to me and make traversing and managing the gazillion files on each HDDs a whole lot easier. A lot of work is involved in assigning the correct colour to each filename (if I was a cat, 10 of my lifetimes).
• If I change the contents of a file, Dopus changes the colour from red or purple or blue (eg.) to bold black, indicating visually that the file's contents was changed today.
• Tomorrow, when it's no longer today (brilliant, eh, Watson?), the black bold reverts to regular black, losing my painstaking color-coding, inducing aggro, and giving me heart palpitations..
I get that I can prevent this from happening by going to Settings > Preferences > Favorites and Recent >
Label Assignments > Uncheck the label filter ("Modified within last 24 hrs")
But then I lose a way to see recent changes to the file content by browsing the files (yes, I can use the "Today" for the modified column of the lister and sort on that but there's something to be said for seeing it in place, via the label, which no longer exists... colour gone !)
If I check that label filter again, enabling the bold black for today's file changes, is there a way of forcing Dopus (tomorrow) to revert to the original colour it was before yesterday's change, rather than revert to a regular black?
Thanks for any help.