File Label improvement

Greetings, I use file labels for various things including Icon overrides.
One thing that is noticeable is that the way the icon override is implemented: You see the OS icon first then you see the label icon replacing the OS icon. This is very noticeable when you have many files as you can see them updating one by one.


Can Opus be optimized to handle it where the OS icon is never displayed, just the custom icon.

XYplorer handles the assignment of custom icons very well, they are just displayed as if native.
However XYplorer options for the custom icons aren't nearly as robust as Opus.
Just something to look into.


This no longer seems to be an issue with the icons appearing one by one.

It may depend on the type of label you use. Wildcard labels are evaluated immediately, while filter labels are done in the background, as they can potentially take longer.

Cool data, thanks