File name background color with visual styles

Is there any way DO can support file name background color when file is focused but not selected and visual styles are enabled?

Looks like a bug in the icon modes (i.e. not Details or Power, but the others). Should be easy to fix.

Thanks for the report!

I'm surprised so many people use (probably) details mode so nobody noticed [and reported] that before.

I've seen that bug months ago but were convinced this is some Windows bug (I'm pretty sure DO uses system views to display items rather than implementing own display).

Any progress here?
Quite long time for an "easy fix". :wink:

It's easy but also very minor, cosmetic, not triggered by the default config and reported by only one person so far, so it's also low priority. We'll get to it, but please be patient.

(I've been waiting years for much more serious bugs I've reported in other software to be fixed, so it kind-of irks me when people complain that we haven't fixed a minor issue in what is -- for software development -- a very short amount of time. Sure, sometimes we fix bugs the day they are reported, as it's sometimes easier to just fix something than file a bug report, but don't let that spoil you.)