File rewrite issue

using 12.24 trial.
I was extracting couple files from winrar archive to a folder, wanted to rewrite old files, and chose rewrite all. then I realize some files rewritten by folders with same names. for example file 1.dll by folder with name 1.dll. tested same thing with windows explorer and xyplorer, they dont let folder to replace file.
fyi. Greetings!

Example archives?

Windows Explorer can't handle RAR files so I'm not sure what you mean there either?

sometimes i prepare more variants dlls for a project, and keep both in a folder with same name with the file.(I know its not most smart way but I do it)
windows explorer -> I drop the files in folder by mouse. it asks me for same name file what to do -> I chose rewrite all -> even I was chose to rewrite all, it doesnt let me to rewrite a file by a folder. that was saving my files to be written by folder. check screenshot 2 plz.

in dopus->when I did same thing it replace the file by folder with same name, without warning me. folders were empty(I wasnt start with dlls yet). So I lost my old dlls. I know it was my negligence, I was used to win-explorer to not replacing files by folders.

It would be nice if dopus warns for that situation(replacing file by folder) even if I chose to replace all.

I understand now, thanks!

I'll see about adding an extra confirmation for that situation, so it's harder to do by accident. That's also given me an idea for improving the way things work with Read-Only files.