FILE Right-click Context Menu Enigma


The right-click context menu behavior on FILE items has somewhat changed on my Windows 10 notebook recently, while it remains the same on FOLDER items. Please see below:

On Files:

On Folders:

For instance, I can't right-click on my Webroot AV on any files while I can upon folders. The same is true of the WinRar functionality.

It has to be a system related question, as the same is happening in DO and in File Explorer. I don't seem to be able to tell whether this behavior caught my attention after one of the two recent Windows 10 updates or after the DO 12 upgrade.

BTW, the right-click context menu functionality works as expected on my Windows 7 machine.

I don't experience any of the "Crash, exit or high CPU when right-clicking certain files" issues. The "Hide Windows items on file context menus" option in DO Preferences is turned off.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards

If it's the same in Explorer then the file type registry settings must be messed up. That's quite an open-ended subject and getting outside thr scope of our forum, but I'd recommend comparing a good machine with the one having problems.

You can use FileTypeDiag to output registry settings that affect a fileype into a text file and then use a tool like WinMerge to compare the results for two machines. There will always be some differences, but one of them may be the cause of the problem.

Alternatively, reinstalling the affected software will often correct the related registry settings.

That said, looking at your screenshots, it looks like virus scan menu item is present in both menus. Do you mean the item is missing, or that nothing happens when you select it?

If it's the latter, and affects multiple programs, launched from both Opus and Explorer, then I would suspect an antivirus tool is blocking things.


Thank you so much for your prompt answer and your precious help!

After quite a lot of trial and error research, I carefully compared the registry on my two machines and I found the culprit:
Under the "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT*" there was only "OpenWithList" key which looked normal and fully populated, while both "shell" and "shellex" were empty. With the exception of the "OpenWithList" key, neither "*" nor "shell" and "shellex" keys had any permissions. I have no idea what might have possibly caused those changes. After I wrote the permissions, the missing right-click context items were back!

Thanks, and all my best!