[quote="jon"]The query you have boils down to A or B or C and D.
This actually evaluates as A or B or (C and D), but what I think you want is (A or B or C) and D.
Thanks again for the help. I was afraid of that. I looked all around for a way of "grouping" the existing rules, it didn't occur to me to look in the attribute list to create a new group. I think that even if I had thought of that, "subclause" wouldn't have caught my attention. Group might be a better word. Also, now that I see that, I think having the grouping be on the same logical level as "name" and "size" is a mistake.
It did make me wonder what "subfolder" and "filter" do and I love them both (and filter would be another way to solve this problem).
Also, thanks also for the alternate syntax for wildcards, I just assumed it was the standard Windows wildcard. If I had thought of it I could have used a regular expression to combine them as well. After some testing though, the regular expression search is quite a lot slower than the wildcard search (you probably knew that).
The interface as it is, doesn't allow me to grow a query dynamically. What I mean is, there is no way I can find to take my existing items and create a "group" or "subclause" out of them (or remove a row from a subclause). Instead, I have to start from scratch once I've realized that I need a group. Also, there appears to be no way to re-order the clauses so that I could change the relationships.
I think having a "handle" column that would allow me to drag-n-drop the clauses (to change the order or to drag them into a group) would be a very intuitive solution. Another choice, which could be done with, or without, the drag-n-drop, would be to have left arrow and right arrow icons, which would "indent" the items, creating a group (sequential items with the same indent are in a logical group). You could use the exact same displayed indenting that you use now (in that it would create a "subclause" element to contain them), but it would be created automatically by pressing the arrow, and would remove the item from the group if you press the back arrow. I was looking at the keyboard interface for that control as well and right and left keyboard buttons could do the indenting and un-indenting, they don't appear to do anything now.
Another choice would be to have check boxes in the left column of each item, before the "+-x" icons. Clicking multiple rows would then have an item in the menu bar that said, "group" or something and would build the subclause grouping with those moved into it. Once you had this, there are other things you could do, for example, if I had three lines selected and changed the "and/or" it would change all of the selected items. Of course, this may not be as clean with your keyboard mapping as hitting space would disable the item, rather than checking it, which might be counter-intuitive.
Also, once I've created a named filter, I would like to add it to a toolbar. That way I could search the current directory (and below if the saved filter included that) by clicking on a toolbar button that says "All large triple X files". Or, I could right-click on any folder and find a menu item of DOPUS Search -> "All large triple X files" in that folder.
Also, since you have this scripting interface, it would be cool to define a way to have a scripted item in the advanced search. It would run the script for every file found by the search and return "true" or "false" to indicate whether it matches some really complicated thing.
Also, since I'm redesigning the interface , I think it was a mistake using an "X" to mean disable, as in every other application in windows "X" means delete or close (it's on the top right of every window). I would make that a checkbox, or some other icon at least. Strangely, when I looked at the documentation (which clearly I should have read before trying to use the Advanced File Find) the sample graphics do show a box with a check in it instead of the current X icon.
I would also use radio buttons for the items in a row (Use wildcards, Use regular expression), those clearly don't work like check boxes.
Finally, for this post anyway, it might be smart to put a "help" button directly on the advanced menu bar so that people don't have to search for the documentation about advanced searching. You could also put