File Text Search Hit Highlighting?

Looking for Opus Search/Find functionally to display Search Hit results [using highlighted Text] in Dopus Lister Viewer Pane.

Have completed Internet Search, Opus Manual read through, and latest Opus 10 Trial Version testing, without success.

Have moved to Paperless Office concept, thus the need to be able to Search for Text within Files.

Using term Hit;, to describe positive Search result for File Text content.

Simply want Search Hit results;
1/displayed as highlighted Text in Opus Lister Viewer Pane
2/ with Functionality for selecting next/previous Hit.
3/ 1/ and 2/ functionality for majority of File Types, [PDF, WORD, EXEL, etc]

Would appreciate any feedback


When viewing a text file, you can search within it to see all the results highlighted. How it works in other document types (PDF, Word, etc.) is up to their respective viewers (which aren't part of Opus; Opus just lets them be hosted inside of its viewer pane).

There isn't currently a way to feed the viewer the search terms you used with Find or Search when finding a list of matching files.