Filename only


Under preference File Display Mode, I selected Filename Only (see att 1) but it only works on some files and some directories, see att 2,

What else can I do, ofcourse latest version of Dopus and XP sp III, office 2010



Everything looks alright in your screenshots. When you say, it works on some items only, do you mean that you have a full row selection otherwise?

If so, maybe you somehow have the power mode activated, maybe by loading certain layouts? That s the only way i could think of, to have such inconsistency.

The way the "fact december 153 (2011)" file is selected is correct for when filename only is chosen as the selection style.

Maybe there's some confusion about what the different style options do. If you click the help icon at the top-right of the Preferences page (or push F1 on the keyboard), you'll see the options described in detail:

If that's what you're expecting but you see something else sometimes, please show us what you're seeing that looks wrong.

You are correct (as usual) i misinterpred the phrase 'file name only' I thought it meant no extensions visible as you can see in my screenshot, so then the question is: how do I achieve not to see any extension, I obviously did it in the past.



Don't bother I found it under display in the colum.

