Filter bar customisation / replication

I find the filter bar very useful and have it always displayed. Also, now that you can dock toolbars at the bottom of a lister, I would like to have my own toolbar at the bottom of each lister, but I dont want my toolbar + the filter bar, I really want the filter bar, then some of my own buttons to the right. I was hoping that I would be able to drag my toolbar onto the filter bar and have them side by side, but this does not work, the only way I can get them working is with the filterbar + my toolbar (ie 2 toolbars at the bottom of the lister) which is not really what I want.

So, my mind turned to trying to replicate the behaviour of the filterbar into my own toolbar, so I could then remove the DOpus filter bar, and just display my toolbar.

However, I cannot find anything that replicates the "Enter filter" drop down box, which will allow you to type, or drop down and tick checkboxes of extensions etc... I really like that behaviour. The nearest I can find is by putting a content type button on the toolbar and setting the "Field Type" to "Filter", but this is not as elegant as the one provided in the DOPus toolbar.

So, all the blurb above boils down to two questions :

  1. Is there anyway I can add my own buttons / toolbar to the existing filter bar ?
  2. Is there any way I can replicate the "Enter Filter" dropbox of the filter bar ?

Thanks for any help.

You can add buttons to a tool bar, where the filter bar is only a single item of. If you right click an empty space (or use the "customize" menu entry)
you can right click select the filter bar & use "copy" to make a second copy of the filter bar.

Im sorry but I dont fully understand what you mean.

If I right click, and "customize...", i cannot right click anywhere on the filter bar and "copy". I can do it with any other toolbar, but not the filter bar. (As im guessing this is classed as a "special" / "internal" toobvar to DOPus)

Then i´m not sure, if we mean the same filter bar. You probably mean the one at the bottom, the Find-As-You-Type filter, which indeed has no option to be copied.
This bar can´t be customized except though the regular way in its options.

Im talking about this filter bar :

See here: