Filter by Column : Powerful filtering/searching tool for all columns

Update v1.4.9 Beta 3 :


  • Improved filtering of nested items (either by expanded folders or grouped flat view) in all modes (except where Textual Filters are used, there is no possibility in there). Now the command is able to show matches in these cases, showing also the ancestor folders.


  • Now you can use a number as value, referring to the number that occupies the column (zero based index) in the current Lister (eg. DIALOG=3).
  • Now if DIALOG is used without values, or with an unsupported column name, fallbacks to 'Name' column instead of closing.
  • When getting values for custom columns, now does not show an error for each item in case the column does not exist (very rare but possible).
  • Fixed an error in columns with multiple values always showing "no value".
  • Possible Workaround when trying to select nested items from the dialog. Now, to show them, it also shows their ancestor folders.
  • Improved use of 'AND' for multi-value columns.
  • Improved the case of 'Genres', that in despite of being a multi-value column, it has a separator different from the rest.


  • The command works very randomly in Libraries when nested items are involved. Since the workarounds I have implemented do not always work 100%, I think this is the best that can be achieved in terms of compatibility at this point.
  • If there are expanded folders, sometimes, after hiding/showing items, not all items are shown again. This seems to be a problem with the Select command, not with this command alone.

(I have not received any reports of any errors of any kind, so I imagine that there are no others bugs, or that nobody uses the command :slightly_smiling_face: :neutral_face:).