Filter for Sync

I want to synchronize two folders.
But one subfolder with more files and more subfolders should not be synchronized.
I want a filter to excluded this subfolder with their files and subsubfolders..

How would the filter look.

(Please exuse my bad english)

Have you had a look at How to filter items by location or sub-folder ?

The Synchronize panel doesn't have a filter option, but you can manually deselect files and folders before starting the sync process.

Where I can deselect a folder with his subfolders and files?

At this point, you can click the Synchronize button to begin the synchronization. If however you want to check the file list first to see exactly what's going to happen, or you want to make changes to the files selected for synchronization or to the comparison options, you can click the Close button to return to the Lister. You'll then see the following kind of display in the file list.!Documents/Synchronize.htm

When I Lock the folder "Amiga Dateien"

the Subfolders and Files of "Amiga Dateien" will be copied in the destination sync-folder

There's a filter option at the bottom left of it.

Only thing to note is that Subfolder clauses won't work with sync, but you can still filter by Location or Full Path. (The guide I linked goes into more detail.)

Thank you,

it does work.

All folders and files without folder "Amiga Dateien" are synchronized.

Heck yeah! Never realized that the panel wasn't fully open. How embarrassing! :flushed:

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