I'm found of dopus and bought a licence yesterday to be more efficient at work !
I work in computer science, and I develop services in Java on an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB).
To make it simple, I deploy zipped service assembly components (sa) on my ESB.
Those sa are stored on my java workspace in many different and deep maven folders and are identified by the following pattern : --sa--[provide|consume]-X.Y.Z-YYMMDD.zip.
Using the flat view without folder option and the filter -sa-.zip on the root of my workspace, I can easily identifiy all my components and deploy them on the ESB with only 2 clicks.
I can save this flaten view on my developpement tabs group BUT the filter string is not saved
I have to write the filter string again when I load my tab group.
Did I make a mistake ? Am I wrong ? Or the functionnality is not yet implemented ?
Thanks for your support.
Best regards,