Filter Tabs?

I have "Tab Groups" and I was hoping a separate "Tab" could be filtered, see only one extension. If not a "Group Tab" filter would also work.


I need to add I tried with the luck

\Preferences\Tab Groups\Edit Formats\Filters
Show Filter Filename: *.txt (no Attributes were selected)


SideBar: Why can I not edit my topic?

The answer is in the Frequently Asked (But Seldom Read) Questions...

Regards, AB :slight_smile:

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Sorry: The answer is in the Frequently Asked (But Seldom Read) Questions...


Each tab in a tab group can have its own format defined, and this format can include filters, so it sounds like what you tried should have been ok.

What exactly did you try and in what way didn't it work?

Maybe just show *.txt files when I select Tab Group.

Which I could do using the Command Editor.
