I just realized that the filetype list in the filterbar selectbox skips the filenames that have no extension.
i.e just "README" with out ".txt" don't appear in the select box.
My suggestion for the developer:
Add new dummy filetype "no extension".
An may be to put also the File Type Groups in the select box would be nice.
If you want to see files without any extension, just type ~. into the filter.
I'm not sure it makes sense to add "no extension" to the drop-down list, since it seems like a very rare thing to want to do and the drop-down list is only there to help quickly do the common thing of finding files with a particular extension (not files without any extension).
You can filter on filetype groups using the grp: syntax. e.g. grp:Images
File without extension are in Windows rare, but not in other OS or at least in the source code packages from linux.
When i open a root folder in flat view i want to select specific files/folders and move them, copy them or process them in some way,
I use The select box in Filterbar to see what is where.
The Select Box is for me a catalog/statistics of what is in the file display.
Therefore is should contains everything.
The amount of items in the select box should be equal of the amount of item on the filterbar itself (left from the select box).
The Filter bar is great, but it can be even better.
I am talking about improvement and completeness.
The best improvement would be customizing of the filterbar, similar to other toolbars.
Embedding of buttons (for predefined filter) and Counting of items per Filter (such in the left side on the selectbox for files, folders, hidden files, hidden folders).
With nice icons.