Filtering video files by data rate not working

I've created a filter to select video files that are 1920 wide with a bit rate of greater than 9000 kbps but it selects video files with data rate less than that. When I edit the value field for the data rate criteria, it resets itself to 4000 which seems to be the max value than can be entered. Also, I can only enter a maximum 4 digits for the data rate.
Can someone please explain why this doesn't appear to work as expected? Or is it a bug?

Thanks for reporting this!

In the next update, the values you input into the filter field will be interpreted as kbps and the maximum will also be increased.

Thanks, whilst you're at it will you be checking and fixing similar (mis)behaviour with filtering on the bitrate/datarate-type other attributes of movie/video files and audio files?

What are the other issues?

Basically any bit rate-related filtering doesn't work at all, for DataRate the max value that can be entered is 4000 whereas that value could validly be any figure. For BitRate the max value is 640 and again, this could be a much much larger value.


Movie Data Rate was fixed in 12.19.3.
Movie Bit Rate has just been fixed for the next beta.