If you specify "*\Temp*" then only files in a subfolder of Temp will be found. The "Location" option searches for files whose full path match the criteria.
If you want files which are located in a folder named Temp you have to specify "*\Temp". Note the difference.
i create filter to select mp3 files with a bit rate greater than 128 kHz.
but not only mp3 files are selected (swf, png, reg, txt, exe...). strange ? [/quote]
Did you search only with the "music"-option? Try to precise it with Name "*.mp3". Music does not exclude other files than mp3 as one could assume by reading the help where only this type is mentioned.
thanks for help...
now i understand "location" option...
for bitrate... i know that bitrate can be for many music format but i dont understand why exe/png/txt/rar/zip files have bitrate ???
exe/png/txt/rar/zip are bitrate now ?
Confirmed (with - that's what I have on USB stick with me now).
Filter: Music - match - bitstream - equal - 128
Except for mp3, also some PDF and RAR files were selected. Tested on a 3000 files sample (30-40 filetypes).
The problem is that there's not really a definite way to identify an MP3 file, since they have no proper file header. The only thing you can do is to read a chunk from the start of the file and check to see if it "looks" like an MP3 file, that is, the fields contain values that are valid for MP3. Obviously the files that are coming up just happen to have values that make them look like valid MP3 files. You can use the filename filter to narrow the search down to specific file types.
Filetype groups aren't used for that. Think about it - you can change or even delete the Music group if you like. If you did that you'd never be able to search for a music file again!
Clearly what Xyzzy added was just a misunderstanding of the what the 'Music' item in the advanced find dialog related to... But now that it's been thrown out there... it sure would be useful at times to be able to reference file type group members by group name for operations like Find, Select, Compare, etc etc...
Jon's point is that IF the relation of the file type groups to the options shown in the find dialogs drop down box followed what you misunderstood it to be, AND you deleted a file type group, THEN the 'field' options like bit rate, artist, etc etc provided by having selected the 'music' group would disappear.
That said, it would be nifty to make the file type groups useable in other areas of Opus like 'find' and what-not... You wouldn't even have to couple the current items available in the find dialog drop down box with the file type groups at all... but maybe rather just ADD an additional drop down item as an explicit 'FileType Group' selection which would automatically restrict the operation to members of a group selected from a subsequently exposed drop down... As it applies to this example, a user would STILL need to add an additional filter member to include the 'Music' drop down item in order to be able to specify any of the music related metadata... but the idea of inheriting file type/extension information that a user is ALREADY maintaining in the file type groups is nice so that you don't have to do a lot of extra typing to create equivilant file filters with the same file type extensions... eliminates some duplicate effort that I know I've undergone a bunch of times.
i think something like this came up awhile back as a feature request... maybe from Ken? Can't remember...
Makes sense to me. Best think, IMO, is to simple add the file type groups to the Type clause's drop-down list of types, next to the [Folders Only] and [Files Only] pseudo-types.
So you mean to have 'each' FileType Group listed by name in the drop-down rather than some other 'top level' FileType Group selection that revealed another drop down with JUST a list of group names?