Find-As-You-Type box never closes/times out except on "Find"

Using Win7 64-bit, DOpus (4779) x64.

My Find-As-You-Type options are set as follows:

My problem is that while using the regular Find (just typing something), the search textbox will close no matter what after 1 second of inactivity. For all the other though, for example the Select (using :slight_smile:, if I type any character after the :, it will never close the search box and I have to manually close it with the mouse (eww). If I press escape, my selection is cleared, making it rather pointless. :slight_smile:

To make it clear with some examples:

  1. I type ":" and nothing else. After 1 second, the search box is closed.
  2. I type ":abc". The box stays open forever.

The expected behavior, as I see is it, is that any and all text entered in the FAYT box should still make it close after the desired timeout, 1 second in my case.

Seems I can't edit my post. Just wanted to edit/add, that my problem isn't that "using the regular Find (just typing something), the search textbox will close no matter what after 1 second of inactivity", as this works as it's supposed to. My problem is that all the other types of FAYT never time out.

From the help for that Preferences page:

Not all modes auto-timeout; for example, in Command mode the field will remain open until you press Enter or Escape or click out of the field.

Modes where you may type something that is complex and/or may need to be refined after looking at the results will not auto-close as doing so might lose something that you spent time creating/refining and didn't want to lose. In those modes, just hit Return (to keep/apply the results) or Esc (to clear/cancel) to close the field.

(If the field is empty, except for the character that introduces the mode, then that's a special case where it will still close, since there's nothing to lose by closing the field then.)

Press return instead.

Sweet, thanks for the help. :slight_smile:

I'll remember to read the Help on preferences the next time.