Select Tools/Find Files: Lister is taken over by Find files options menu. When the find is completed how do you return to the original lister? All things I've tried leave the Find Results and File Collections information around and I have to close and start afresh.
Can the format of the find panel be changed so the Find Button is not "hidden" so far to the right.
Apparently you're using version 9, and since I've been using version 10 since the beta days, I'm going to have to go from memory here so what I'm about to say may not be exactly right. In the "Show Results" section of the file dialog you can set Opus to show the results in a new collection, leaving the original lister as it was before you began the search.
You can't change the find panel layout itself, but you can put the toolbar button which launches the find panel anywhere you want.
This is version 10.0.0 but I should probably upgrade to 10.0.1
It's the button in the find panel I have problems with since the Find action takes over the underlying lister. Vn10 takes over and calls it a collection before I can do anything.
Ohhh, I saw where you list Opus 9 under your avatar and assumed you weren't using 10.
Ok, in 10 you can set Opus up so it shows the results in a destination panel if you'd like. Below are before and after screen shots of how I just did it.
You can also set Opus up so the results are shown in a new tab, which leaves your original lister alone in the tab it was in before.
Could you provide an example button to do this?
Actually, if you know of one, is there a decent resource on the DOpus commands?
I'm assuming you meant open the find in a new lister (which is what I'd want to do)
If you want to open a new window (with certain size etc.) with the Find panel on it, instead of opening the panel on the current window:
Set a lister up with the Find panel and window size etc. you want, then use Settings -> Lister Layouts -> Save This Lister and give it a name like "Find Layout".
Then make a button which runs:
Wow Leo; in the time it took me to figure it out, post a button, and come back here to link to it, you've posted a response!
[url]"Floating find" window button]
However, my command is: Go NEW=findpanel LAYOUT=Find {s}
Since I'm new to the command usage game (never had a real need to dive into it before) and they both seem to acheive the same this, what is the difference?
Could you shed some light on why I can't override the use of CTRL+F for my button? DOpus recognises it's in use and gives me the option of overriding it, but ignores my selection!
Not a major one, but I would prefer not to have to remember to hold shift as well.
I'm not sure what combining NEW=findpanel and LAYOUT=find does. It's possible one of them is being ignored. If not, one of them is probably redundant anyway. But if it works, it works.
If you want to change the Ctrl-F key, first remove it from the thing it is currently bound to (Tools -> Find).
Thank you, John. I'm now in Vn 10 and can route find results to another destination.... all's well. Dick
Thanks, can't believe I didn't think to try that... Works like a charm!
Hello Leo...
I have set up a layout, with tab group and associated button using the command you suggested above:
The layout as saved looks like this:
I have three problems with it:
Although the layout was saved from my left-hand monitor, and the Settings > Lister layouts > Edit Layouts entry shows it there, when I click the associated button (which is in my main layout, residing on my right-hand monitor), the Find layout opens on the right-hand monitor also. I have not checked the option to open relative to the monitor the mouse is on.
Although the saved layout has the tab group with the three tabs as shown in the screen shot, the layout opens with a single Downloads tab.
I'd like to have the Find panel's 'Find in' setting point to just the C:\ folder, it defaults to the C:\Users\Bernard\Downloads folder which is the one opened by the Downloads tab.
I'd appreciate your input. Thanks.
PS: As noted in my profile, I am using DO
The point of the command I gave is to re-use the current window and current folder.
If you want to open the layout exactly as you saved it, ignoring the current window and current directory, then just open it normally. (You can use the layout lists in the Settings menu, or add them to the taskbar Jump List, tray icon, desktop context menu, etc. Or you can create a button to open a particular layout: Prefs LAYOUT="Find" )
Thanks Leo.
That has fixed items 1 & 2.
I suspect you are going to tell me there is no way to fix item 3.
Now that the layout opens with the Find Results tab selected (as required), the Find panel 'Find in' setting points to the C:\Users\Bernard\Downloads\Find Results folder. That folder has been set up specifically to hold the collection of results. Ideally, I'd like the find process itself to default to starting its search in C:.
Can that be done?
It'll point to whatever folder the lister starts in.
I thought you were going to say that.
The reality, after about an hour of testing different configurations is somewhat different. Here's what I have found -
First, I did not need a folder called Find Results in my tab group. By selecting the Find Panel's 'Show results in: Find Results', and 'source (new tab)', I can have Opus create that tab for me. I have removed it from the tab group.
I then set up a two tab group with only C:\ and C:\Users\Bernard\Downloads, in that order, with C:\ as the active tab. While the layout opens correctly with the C:\ folder displayed, the Find Panel's Find in box still shows C:\Users\Bernard\Downloads. Repeated saves of the layout, after changing the panel setting to C:\ would occasionally reward me with a single instance where it seemed to work correctly, but a second invocation would revert to C:\Users\Bernard\Downloads.
For a while, I worked with only a single tab, C:, and as you would expect, that was reliable, but as C:\Users\Bernard\Downloads is my general-purpose working directory, I did want to have it available on this layout. I have now set up a tab group with C:\Users\Bernard\Downloads and C:\ in that order, with C:\ still as the active tab. That is proving reliable. The C:\ folder is displayed correctly, and the Find in box is consistently showing C:\ also. The result is that I can now initiate the majority of my searches without needing to change the folder to be searched. I only change it when I know my target folder in advance.
I have to say, while I do like the Find Panel in general, I was always uncomfortable with the cramped effect it had on my default layout, where I spend 90+% of my time. I am grateful to you and the other contributors to this thread for steering me towards setting up this Find layout. I have my Find button set to open this layout automatically, and it is a great way of invoking the Find Panel.
From quick testing with layouts that combine multiple folder tabs and the find panel, the panel always seems to open with the first tab's path. I guess that's a bug/oversight, so I've added it to the to-do list.
If the only reason for using the layout is you want the window to be bigger when using the Find panel, you could instead use buttons which set the window size while turning the panel on or off.
[quote="leo"]From quick testing with layouts that combine multiple folder tabs and the find panel, the panel always seems to open with the first tab's path. I guess that's a bug/oversight, so I've added it to the to-do list.
If the only reason for using the layout is you want the window to be bigger when using the Find panel, you could instead use buttons which set the window size while turning the panel on or off.[/quote]Hello Leo...
I'm very happy with the new Find layout. It works well, and some folk who regret the passing of the old Find command could probably benefit from a similar approach.
However, my experience is quite the opposite of what you say here.
Here is a screenshot of my Find Layout:
You will see that I have two tabs, Downloads and C:. The C:\ tab is set as active, and I initially set it on the left, but found that doing so, led to the panel's 'Find in' setting defaulting to the Downloads folder, while I wanted it to default to the C:\ folder. As you can see, I now have it on the right, and being active, it is selected, and displayed in the file pane, and also is the default entry in the panel's 'Find in' box.
It took quite a few experiments before I reached this apparently simple solution, but the end result is exactly what I am looking for. Logically, I expected the left-most position for C:\ should have worked this way, but not so.