Find filter - direct method?

I've been using a button that finds all files in C:\MyWorks
(that is, excluding all directories)

the command is :

find filter name onlyfiles in C:\MyWorks

This is somewhat indirect, since it depends on onlyfiles.ofi in filter folder.

Is there a direct command like

find filter type [files only] in C:\MyWorks

Or is it possible to change the location of onlyfiles.ofi ?

find filter location C:\custom\onlyfiles.ofi in C:\MyWorks

Well specifying a filter file in a specific location is still just as indirect, and its not clear what problem being able to specify the filter by some alternate path would solve. In any case, the filter system is what is provided to search for anything other than item "names", and you cannot reference a filter file location by path (really no need for that - IMHO).

For now, if you really only want to find all FILES under the current path - you might consider the command: 'Set FLATVIEW=toggle,mixednofolders'

This enables flatview to show all files in the current directory tree... So maybe do a 'Go C:\MyWorks' command before the flatview command and see if it achieves what you want - albeit without the Find command.

You could also run these commanda manually, then save the resulting Opus lister as a custom layout that you could load up in a variety of ways.

Thanks. But I should make it to a collection.
I am still curious of following (pseudo)commands like

find filter type [only files] in C:\MyWorks
find filter size [> 100kb] in C:\MyWorks
find filter modified date [after 2016.2.1] in C:\MyWorks

Is it possible to construct a find filter on the spot, not using pre-defined filter (.ofi)?

No - otherwise I'd have mentioned it :-). And yes, if you want the results in a File Collection you need to use the Find command like you're doing, and it sounds like you have other desires for search criteria than just the 'Files Only' use case you mentioned in the original post, so I can see why the alternative suggestion of using flatview doesn't really fit your request.

If you want the ability to control advanced find criteria directly on the command line - it would be a feature request for GPSoft to consider implementing in the product.

If the filter can be expressed as a Windows Search query then it could be done via just a command with no saved filter.

But using a filter is often easier than dealing with the poorly documented Windows Search syntax.