Find out a folder whether exists in another lister recursively

I have two hard drivers, one is driver A and another is B.Some files are copied from A to B(or B to A)and duplicated in two drives .And some files moved form A to B (or from B to A) and no backups in another drive.

In order to reduce deleting files mistakenly.I want to make a button,which can extract the filename what I selected in the active lister,and search it in another lister by recursively .When I click button I can findout the folder(or file) I selected whether exist in another lister

It will only work with one file selected at once, but the command Find NAME {file} IN {destpath} might do what you want - it will take the selected file in the source, and search for it by name in the destination.

thanks for reply,I'll try it.

I modified the command Find NAME {file} IN {destpath} as Find NAME {file} IN {destpath} RECURSE SHOWRESULTS=dest 。It can find a single file‘name in destpath but can't find a folder’name.

It works when I try it - what's the name of the folder you're having trouble finding?

It works,sometimes find slow and have to waiting a while. thanks Jon.

Hi Jon.I found a problem with function of Find NAME {file} IN {destpath} .Dopus can't search the file name just like A - B,you have to quote the filename with double quotation marks for search. And it will happen in Dopus quick search bar,no quote no searching result

If the selected filename has a space in it, the {file} code will automatically put quotes around it in the command (unless explicitly told not to via @nofilenamequoting).

So I don't think it would be spaces in names causing the problem. Wildcard characters like ( and ) might cause problems, unless you use {file|escwild}

Codes for passing filenames has more details.

thanks Leo, {file|escwild} resolved my problem.