'Find Panel' is not inline anymore

I have always pressed Ctrl-F in Opus to open a 'Find' panel that is docked to the bottom of the current lister, and the results replace the contents. Now I find that the 'Find' panel opens in a second window and the contents in a third. How can I get the old functionality back?


Tools menu->Find Panel will open what you are looking for.

If you want Ctrl-F to open this instead of the floating panel just re-assign the shortcut function from "Find" to "Set UTILITY=Find,Toggle".

Just noticed that there is a slight problem though. When you come to close the panel with control+F it doesn't work if the focus is in the search "name matching" box and you have the flashing cursor. If you click back on the lister and then press control+F is closes again. Not sure how to fix this, hopefully someone else will chip in.

..very much. That did it!