Find Results - How to preselect paths to search in

The new "Find" in dopus 10 compared to v9 now requires several new steps to go through for what I need to do. The topic on that subject was closed as clearly some others agree with me that its now less time-efficient. My point in this post is to ask two specific things, not to reopen that debate.

To get around the loss of a separate Find window in this version, I made a hotkey that opens up a new window in find mode (as suggested in the locked topic):[quote]Open a lister in Find mode
Go CURRENT LAYOUT=Find[/quote]This works ok, especially if you combine it with the little double arrow on the right of the Utility panel called "shrink or expand this panel" (thanks leo). With that done, all the large area of empty white space is hidden while you work on the collection of hits. Still seems clunky to me, compared to having search and results in separate windows as could be done in v9, but it does work ok.

So the question is this: Can the Find window be set to specifically open on the last used list of search paths? This was the default behaviour in v9. Now, when using the above hotkey, the Utility Panel opens with a search path based on where you last were in the tree when you opened it (of course this is logical - but not useful to me, as you could have simply filtered the original lister rather than bother to "find").
In my case, I have two very large folders that I want to routinely search (200k files in each). They are on separate disks. Previously these two paths remained listed within the "Find in" section from the previous search, now in v10 they are deleted when I open this new lister in find mode. Can I get it back? or can I set the find hotkey above to remember the two paths in some other way?

Currently, its about 4-5 steps to a) delete the current path, b) open a dialogue box, c) find the first path in a tree that starts all the way back at the root folders, d) tick a box, e) then search for the next path, f) tick that box, g) then start the search. More tedious compared to before, where you only had to go through this process once. Again I point out that it all works ok, just that there's more steps if Dopus cant remember the previously chosen paths. To get around doing this process multiple times a day, I simply leave that Find window open 24/7. Not a satisfying solution, but at least it works (untill reboot).

Additionally, the behavior of selecting a search path has changed. Previously in v9 one could select a path in the lister, and whatever path you were currently selected in the tree would show up in the Find In panel below. Thats a fast way of selecting a path to search in. Now in v10, the only way I can find to do this is click the little "Select Folders to search" button and go back to the Desktop and drill back down again. Is this functionality gone? Or am I missing it?

Obviously Dopus still does this better than anything else out there. I found apps that search better, but what use is that if you cant stay in dopus to work on the results of that search!

You could try this (Delete "CLEAR" if you don't want to delete previous search results):

Prefs LAYOUT="Find" Find in "C:\My first Path" "D:\My second Path" CLEAR

You can simply drag a folder from the tree or lister to the panel.
There is also a Searchpath-History-List (click on the arrow of the "Select Folders to search" button).
Unfortunately this list doesn't save multiple-Path-Searches and it doesn't allow you to choose more than one Path.
This should be improved I think. When "Add Folder for Search..." is selected in the Path-list and I choose a Folder from the History-list the folder should be added to the Path-list. Currently this allways replaces the first entry.

Poof* Magic* you wave our wand and the two problems are solved. Thank!!

Your command suggestion works perfectly for my hotkey. Additionally, it leaves the F3 function in a normal lister untouched. hence the search in these specific folders now only occurs with my hotkey (Ctrl-F3) but not when searching in any other lister. This is great. I formatted the lister coll://Find Results so it fits the shape I want and saved it. So now i get a pop-up search lister in the position I want and with the target search folders locked-and-loaded.

The drag a file thing is just great. I had no idea..
The Searchpath-History-List (click on the arrow of the "Select Folders to search" button) is also useful and I did not realise it was there. It helps other minor tasks I want to do.

You and Dopus rock! Thanks so much.

Nice to hear everything is working fine for you now. :slight_smile:
Nevertheless I've sent a feature request to GPSoftware to make it possible to add several Pathes from the History-List.