Find similar sounding audio files?

Is there a way to find similar-sounding audio files using a reference? For instance, I have a folder with thousands of audio files unnamed, and I don’t know which one is which. I would like to pick up an explosion sound from the list to use as a reference to find or match all the other similar explosion sounds within that folder. Like the find duplicates option, but more like find similar instead.

Any chances to create a little script or button for this?

Only if the files are identical at a binary level.

If you want to do fuzzy psychoacoustic AI matching of audio data then you'll need a very specialised tool.

(Depending on the tool, you might be able to then plug it into Opus's Find panel, or convert the list of matches it generates into an Opus collection, using scripting.)

If the files are in wav format, you can turn on the thumbnails view and the Opus will display their waveforms. This way you could quickly identify e.g., short sharp sounds like explosion etc.