Find within a script column wiith wildcards

With the find panel that comes up with Control-F it's possible to search within a script column. Is it possible to get the additional options like 'Use wildcards', 'Case sensitive', 'Use regular expression' etc on a script column find? I mean the same options that I see when searching for a filename, say.


Yes, with the Evaluator, e.g.

=Match(Val("scp:ASIN/ASIN"), "^b\d\d.*", "r")


Looks very promising, but I can't get the search right, Alexander. What do I choose here?

Can you be more specific?

Clauses like this work:


Control-F to bring up the advanced find panel. I can use an evaulator expression to search a script column, but I cannot find what to choose from the list I screenshotted above.

Where exactly are you entering your evaluator expression?

You need to check Edit as text.

(You can't uncheck this after entering an textual filter evaluator clause)

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Works perfectly. Thank you, Alexander.

Incidentally script column searching uses regular wildcards by default.

Thank you. It was actually a regular expression I was after.