FIT ? function

Hi there, I've had a quick look at the FAQ and the maneal to see if this is answered but cant find.

On the Amiga, I remember tyhere used to be a button called FIT.

and if I had two listers opened, or duel display, then I could select files in the left and click FIT. Opus would then calculate the file size, then check the destination size to see if the files would Fit.

Is there any functionality to do this curently, or anyone know of a button addon that does this ?

thanks for reading

Also perhaps a way to see if a file will fit or not while you have a copy in progress.

Often enough i copy large 4+gig files to another location and if for instance i have a 4gig file about to start a copy, and only 3.9gig free, it will start to copy and only after it has spend 8minutes copying to another drive will it tell me there is no room. It would be nice if it auto calculated before it wasted the time to copy when there is not enough room to begin with.

I don't think there is a FIT command like there was on the Amiga version.

I haven't really missed it myself since you get the total selected size displayed in the statusbar and can quickly check whether it's less than the free space on the drive (also in the statusbar, at least in my config). (There's the issue of cluster sizes etc. but that usually only matters when it's a very tight fit.)