If ClipboardEx is executed only once and the previous command multiple times, there's nothing wrong with ClipboardEx. It probably is DO button magic, how it handles calls to script commands compared to how it handles calles to external programs.
If I remember correctly, I created a dedicated UserCommand called "ForEach", which kind of hides a script commands nature to DO and makes them run as usual command, thereby calling them multiple times as expected. Create "ForEach" user command like this:
EDIT: My screenshot does not upload, the forum is "Processing Upload.." forever, so just use my text explanation. You need to enter customize mode and find "Commands" tab in the "Customize" window, create new user command right there. UPDATE: Or see link below in next post for screenshot.
Name: ForEach
Template: CMD/R
Command code:
Just prefix the line with "ClipboardEx" with "ForEach CMD=..".
Regarding "Say" it's another script command, you need to install before you can use it in DO, find it here: