I have written a DOpus script in JScript, using the old standard dialog DOpus.dlg to generate three successive dialogue windows. (An earlier form with only one dialogue window was posted at https://resource.dopus.com/t/web-search-from-opus-using-multiple-search-engines-and-browsers/22040.) It is launched by a global shortcut. The first window launches normally, with normal tab on the taskbar.
But the second and third dialogue windows usually, but not always, flash on and off after launching, with a period of about 1 second, and the tab on the taskbar flashes too. To bring the dialogue windows into focus so that I can work with them, I either click on the window, or press Alt+Shift+Tab.
This happens when there is no other window open, one window open, or many windows open. It happens on desktop and notebook, both fully updated Windows 10 Pro.
Is there some special command that can be used so that the second and third dialog windows are forced to have the focus without mouse or Alt+Shift+Tab? Should each dialogue variable be destroyed before the next is created?
I have used different variable names for the three dialogues, but changing the second to plain
var oDlg = DOpus.dlg
doesn't affect the outcome.
I have written a DOpus script in JScript, using the old standard dialog DOpus.dlg to present three successive dialogue windows. It is launched by a global shortcut. The first window launches normally, with normal tab on the taskbar.
But the second and third dialogue windows usually, but not always, flash on and off after launching, with a period of about 1 second, and the tab on the taskbar flashes too. To bring the dialogue windows into focus so that I can work with them, I either click on the window, or press Alt+Shift+Tab.
This happens when there is no other window open, one window open, or many windows open. It happens on desktop and notebook, both fully updated Windows 10 Pro.
Is there some special command that can be used so that the second and third dialog windows are forced to have the focus without mouse or Alt+Shift+Tab? Should each dialogue variable be destroyed before the next is created?
I used fancy variable names for the second and third dialogues, but changing the second to plain
var oDlg = DOpus.dlg
doesn't affect the outcome.