Flatview in Dopus 10 not working

Can't get flatview to work in version 10. Used to work fine until after upgrading.

Windows XP SP3, Intel i3, Dell D4310, 4gig memory.

Just so we're all up to speed. This has to do with right clicking on a folder and selecting flatview. That's the thing that doesn't work.

Is that something you've added yourself? How is it set-up?

(Flat View is normally turned on for the current folder, not by right-clicking a sub-folder. That definitely works.)

Hi Leo, I don't know. I don't remember adding this myself, but I suppose it's possible. How would I edit the right click commands?

Settings -> File Types -> All Folders -> Context Menu

(assuming we're talking about an item that appears when you select and right-click a folder)

Right. You were correct. At some time in the past I must have added to the folders contect menu the following:

Set FLATVIEW=MixedNoFolders,Toggle

So, this doesn't work in version 10. Can you let me know what the replacement code should be? There's no help available yet in version 10. Thanks for your help.

That's the right commnad, and it works fine for me.

Are you doing the right-click in the folder tree? There's an issue with some right-click commands in the folder tree misbehaving which will be fixed in the next update; that's probably what you are seeing if it only affects the folder tree. (I'm using pre-release code and it works fine in the folder tree here, as well as the main file display.)

Right Leo. It is a right click on a folder in the tree. That must be it, cause it's not working for me. If I highlight the folder and use the folder options menu, it works. The set funcion doesn't. Same behavior in both XP and Win 7. Don F.

Just thought I'd note that the 10.0.1 update corrected the issue.