I decided to try out the Flickr syncronizer... and it works well... but a few questions...
I cannot delete from flicker directly ... understood, and mentioned in the documentation.
If i delete a file from the Flicker sight and come to sync with DO, it wants to reupload the file that I deleted. Is there a way when i Sync that it will remove that file from my collection so i do not have to manually find whatever files and remove them from the collection manually?
It's tricky, because Flickr doesn't provide any information on images that have been deleted. So Opus doesn't really know that it has been removed on Flickr and should be removed locally.
However we do keep track of images that have been uploaded to Flickr (when Opus uploads an image it stores its ID and "secret" in an xml file), so it may be possible to identify that a missing image on Flickr has already been uploaded in the past, and give you the option of removing it from the local collection.
I'll make a note to investigate this further. If you have any other ideas for how this could work better please yell out!