I'm not sure if this is a DOpus problem or a Flickr problem so am exploring all avenues. It's to do with upload synchronization.
In the past I would create IPTC Data for my jpg uploads, include Headline which became the Title on upload, include Description which of course became the Description field on the photo on upload and include Keywords which became the Tags of the uploaded photo. Everything used to work well, now I am finding that when my photos have uploaded along with the IPTC Data, Headline is now entered into the Description field, Filename has been entered into Title field and no Tags entered at all.
I was not filling in Title, Description and Tags fields in the DOpus Flickr synch window that came up as I never had to before when including IPTC Data, after a few goes when the above was happening I then tried also entering the Description, Title and Tags into the DOpus synch window and that worked, but, it is very long winded repetition. Also I was frustrated to find that when entering the description into the DOpus Synch window the Enter Key did not create a new line, but, activated the Next button and pasting into the Description field only seems to paste up to a line break so only one paragraph gets pasted.
Are these a DOpus issue, a Flickr issue or something else?
Opus doesn't currently understand IPTC at all, it only understands EXIF. So any change in the way IPTC data is extracted is probably on the Flickr side. unless it's due to Opus overriding the data (but I don't think anything has changed in that regard since Flickr support was added to Opus).
I know what you mean about pushing Return in the Description field. That has annoyed me once or twice as well.
I couldn't see why Opus should do anything to Exif and IPTC data either, they are all in the same file uploaded. Checking on site my Exif data is identicle to what's on the files on my PC although displayed slightly differently. I'm beginning to hear of other Flickr members having problems with Exif data on Flickr, but, none with the same issue as I have yet. There does seem to be a lot of issues with the new Flickr Uploader many to do with it not connecting and dropping connections part way through. I've been getting issues with Opus not connecting so I'm beginning to believe the real issues are Flickr side and not Opus or the new Uploader.
Will keep trying the Flickr Forum as well, at the least it may show that other members are having the same issue and maybe staff will work on it.
Wish there was a work around for the Enter key. Just that would make life simpler