Floating Toolbars Outlines & Customizations

here a lovely dark screen shot to get lost in. lol


i have a couple questions and\or request about floating toolbars.

my apps toolbar just keeps getting bigger and over filled with small {and even scaled down icons}. i tired consolidating them into categories within menus but didn't like that option, i can get to them without hesitation if they're just out, not hidden in menus.

so i started playing with floating toolbars for the first time. and this is great!!! The winning ticket, when pinned to the top level they even work with drag & drop out of everything! so perfect!

i made a system-wide hotkey to toggle them quickly.

my question come in with my dark theming. when every apps is 25 shades of dark gray its easy for windows to lost\blend together epically on windows 10 [how i miss Aero outlines!].

  • is there way to add a colored border around a floating toolbar so it stands out more?? e.g. in the screen shot, the bright yellow outline is great for not losing my context menu
  • is there a way to change the background of toolbar when its floating opposed to then its docked in a lister?

in the screenshot i set one of floating toolbars to glass under the "appearance" which i good, it stands out picking up my accent color, but it doesn't stick. the next time i open the floating toolbars they go back to dark gray.
i thought of changing the color via customize but want to keep them matching the other toolbars when docked in the lister.

sorry this feels like a bunch of rambling.

Ultimately ..... could there be "Fill Color If Floating" option under the Custom background settings with an "Add Outline" option ?


That probably means this is off:

  • Preferences / Toolbars / Options / Save state of floating toolbars automatically on exit

If so, you can save changes via here in the Customize window:

You could use the No Frame appearance option for the floating toolbar, and give that toolbar a background image with a special edge/frame (or make the whole background special, which could make it stand out even more).

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kk, good idea on a making a custom background. i played around with some random graphics at first, stretching a small image to fill toolbars made them pixelated so made a quick high-ish-rez .png in photoshop.

have this set to Stretched at 80% Opacity

looking good in both lister and floating.