Folder color automatic change

When opus window is active, and I move a file, the destination directory color change according to mouse position. Instead, when I move a file from desktop to a folder inside directory opus, the color does not change: so it is very difficult to understand in which folder I am putting the file: is it possible to configure so that folder color aleays change when i pass mouse on it and I am moving or copying a file?

Could you post a screenshot showing what you mean in either (or both) the different cases?

The folder you drag over should look like it is selected, regardless of where you drag from, at least unless you have configure Opus to hide the selection indicators completely when the window is inactive.

File 1 is when is when I try to paste a file from outside. As you can see, is near impossible to understand where the file will finish.
File 2 is when I paste the same file from inside opus window.

As you can see background color of the folder where file will finish, artomatically change in this second situation. (when the file is NOT coming from outside, for example desktop).

This happen any configuration I use...from default to modified.

If you select a folder, then click on another window, does the folder still appear selected?

Is Preferences / Display / Options / Fade selected item colors when file display does not have focus turned on, and if so what percentage is it set to?

Are you seeing this with Opus, or an earlier version?

Select folder:

Select another window (folder is selected with lighter color):


This thing happens only with new versions....with 6..7..did not happen

Thanks for the screenshots. Nothing wrong that I can see there.

What's the exact version you are using now? (You can find out via the Help->About window.) What's the approximate version that it used to work in?

I'm not sure what you mean by "new versions" and "6..7". (New as in released this month? This year? Longer? -- Opus 6 and Opus 7? Opus 6 is over 10 years old so I'm guessing you don't mean that, and there was never an Opus 7, but no recent version had a 7 in its number either...)

I mean opus 6 and opus 7....

now I am using....10.04.0...

version 9 gave the same problem...I tried unsuccesfully to have an answer...

Please try with the latest version,

There never was an Opus 7, BTW. :slight_smile:

ok I'll try.

I tried with opus 8 and gave me same problem that was not happening supposed version 6 and 7...Of course internet explorer has not this problem...It happens with all configurations, all way of visualization...

There never was an Opus 7.

I just checked Opus 10 with default configuration on Windows XP, and it works okay in both Details and Power modes:

1- Internet explorer
2- opus all default settings - fresh installation with new clean partition
3- opus same

As you can see, when you past a file from outside, it is very difficult to understand where it will finish, because, otherwise it happens in internet explorer or in Opus itself (but only inside opus itself), the folder does not automatically change the color. (like it was in older versions of Opus).


sorry for mistake: I add again Internet explorer screenshot

And again again, to be absolutely sure file is coming from outside

I cannot reproduce what you are seeing. Here is a video from an XP machine showing what I see:

To anyone else reading: Can anyone you this reproduce the problem on your machine?

Maybe there is something special that needs to be done to trigger the problem (e.g. the type of file that you drag, or maybe it only happens with certain video drivers or something strange) which we can work out if anyone else is also seeing the same problem.

[quote="avavass"]1- Internet explorer
2- opus all default settings - fresh installation with new clean partition
3- opus same[/quote]

Please be careful with the version numbers as they can matter a great deal. Since there isn't a version yet it's clear you that mean, but if there was version then it could cause confusion.

(FWIW, the other file-manager is Windows Explorer; Internet Explorer is the web browser. That's less important, but it did confuse me for a moment until I saw the screenshots showing Windows Explorer and realised what was meant.)

The tooltip will also tell you which folder you are about to drop the files on to, although it may be quite hard to read as it seems to be configured as white text on a cyan background on your system.

[quote]I mean opus 6 and opus 7....

now I am using....10.04.0...

version 9 gave the same problem...I tried unsuccesfully to have an answer...[/quote]
I just double-checked Opus 6 to confirm my memory, and Opus 6 did not do this highlighting at all. It just drew a light, dotted outline around the target folder. It wasn't until one of the Opus 9 updates that we made the target folder appear selected. (I can still remember some of the discussions from back then when people were asking for the feature to be added, and just found one from Sep 2007, which is after Opus 9 came out.) So I think your memory of Opus 6 isn't right there, sorry. Although it does not really matter or explain why this isn't working for you in Opus 10.

I tried with a windows clean installation...same problem....
Sorry, english is not my language. I am sure opus 9 gave me same problem..I tried to have an answer...
Earlier version, which I really do not remember which one was, did not give that problem. I saw your film and I understand it is a problem
to find a solution to something you cannot see...But, believe, I tyried with other explorer software, and non one gave this problem. In any case, opus has ha lot of features and is very nice to use...

You are windows explorer..and opus version is 10.4.0..but, my mind was concentrated in which way to explain the problem, to write in english..and to make solve the problem...

Another thing: I had to rebuild all libre-office connections....because ...original did not open-office, libre-office..more than one year...

What version of XP are you running (Home or Pro)?
Your profile says XP 32bit. Is this still correct?
What version of Service Pack are you running (1, 2, 3 or none)?
What video card do you have?
Did you run XPlite on your XP install disc before installing XP?
Is this testing on a physical computer or in a Virtual Machine?
If Virtual Machine, which VM software is used and are the drivers loaded?

All my testing so far has shown nothing wrong. Using XP Pro with SP3 32bit in VMware Workstation 8 with drivers loaded.

xp 32bit italian version sp3 all update pack

video card 82945g intel express integrated.

I run xplite, tuneup, regvac, hare, ...

i was testing al from a clean installation..ghost backup vmware....
sorry..I am not so expert.. i tuned system to have full startup in 34 sec, shutdown in 2 sec,
word first starting in 0.4 sec, autocad in 0.2 sec...

I was thinking It was a configuration problem, or a windows service which I must enable, something known easy to solve...