Folder format- save for use with other folder?

ok, say i set a folder format in a folder or a lister- i may want to use this format with other listers.. how could i save the format, and then import it into another folder or a lister? or can this be done only through favorites?

In Prefs - Folders - Folder Formats you can right-click formats to copy & paste them.

im not getting this-- ok say im inside a folder , the format of which i want to copy to a lister i have set, how do i do this?

Do it via Preferences, not via the folder:

what if the format isnt saved to a folder, but rather just in a lister- can you get the format out of that lister to use elsewhere? or would the above still apply?

Yes, save the format for the folder, then go to Preferences and you'll find it in the list.

yeah i guess you could make a new folder, view it with the lister, then save the format to that folder, then go about it as above, thanks Leo :wink:

works great Leo, i see now you can easily move formats from anywhere to anywhere

Great thread that already has helped me a lot.

However, how would I go about to do the following:

[ul][li]I have dual pane listers, each with like half a dozen tabs which are set up as my standard view when Dopus starts.

[li]Most (but not all) of these tabs have a certain folder format that I have set up (let's call it "My Folder Format")

[li]Now I have made some changes to "My Folder Format" and I'd like to apply those changes to all other Tabs that used to have the same format (which however now has been changed, but only applied to one of the tabs). [/li][/ul]

Thus, what is the easiest way to quickly apply "My Folder Format" to a number of open tabs?

Thanks already
Cheers David.P

There is no shortcut for this task, as far as i know. You have to copy & paste all folder formats manually.

There is a shortcut:

Turn on Preferences / Launching Opus / Default Lister / Ignore folder format of Default Lister and it won't matter what formats are saved in the tabs in the default lister.

Oops, for some reason I was not notified of the reply...

However, a couple of years later, I am confronted with the same question, and am not sure (anymore) whether the above information by leo solved the problem:

[ol][li]I have Dopus set up to start with dual pane listers, each with half a dozen tabs.

[li]Most (but not all) of these tabs have a certain folder format that I have set up (i.e. "My Folder Format")

[li]Now I have made some changes to "My Folder Format" in one of my tabs, and I'd like to apply the same changes to all other tabs (that are set up to start with that format).[/li][/ol]
Therefore the question would be, what is the easiest way to quickly apply "My Folder Format" to a number of open tabs, in order to be able to save the resulting tab set as new standard layout?


If you want to save the format for all tabs/layouts/styles/etc. then there's an option to do that when saving the format in Folder Options.

If you have formats saved by path or wildcard, you can copy and paste over them in Preferences / Folders / Folder Formats.

If you want to have formats saved into some Layouts, Styles or Tab Groups, and only replace them selectively, then you have to load the Layout (or whatever is being edited), change the formats, then re-save the Layout. (it's probably worth saving the format as a Favorite format, then making a button or hotkey which applies that format so you can apply it to the current tab with one click to save time.)

Layouts, Styles and Tab Groups remember the folder format settings; they don't remember a named folder format in a centralised place. But it usually only makes sense to store formats in Layouts, Styles or Tab Groups if you want them to use a custom format that nothing else uses for the same folders, so if you are not doing that then switching to path or wildcards formats makes sense.

Thanks and sorry, this is a little over my head due to the complexity of the matter.

I'll explain the situation in somewhat more detail. I have a standard tab set of about ten tabs that uses two or three different formats. Most of the tabs use the format "My Folder Format", and only some of the tabs use another format.

Am I understanding correctly, there is no way to make changes to the format "My Folder Format" in one place, and afterwards, simply apply this changed format to all tabs that use this format?

Go to Preferences / Folders / Folder Formats and look at the Path Formats section near the top.

Do you see lines for the folders in question? If you do, does editing them change the tabs?

(Always close the lister and open a fresh one to see the effect of these changes.)

OK I edited "My Folder Format" from within "Preferences / Folders / Folder Formats / Favorite Formats" and saved it there.

So far no changes to any of the tabs. Restarting now (or opening a new lister) does not help because my custom "My Lister Layout" (that makes Dopus start with my personal tab set) overrides the changes just made to "My Folder Format", i.e. it opens the tabs with the columns etc. as saved in "My Lister Layout" instead of applying "My Folder Format" to the respective tab(s).

So it seems that I first need to apply "My Folder Format" (after making changes to it) to every pertaining tab, and then save the resulting Lister layout anew as "My Folder Format".

Is that the correct procedure -- or do you see an easier one for changing AND saving custom tab format changes simultaneously to a multitude of tabs that are contained in a custom Lister Layout ?

Editing the favorite format changes nothing except that favorite format. Favorite formats only exist so you can copy their settings to other formats, or apply them to a window or tab.

Editing the favorite format was not what I said to do. What do you see if you follow the instructions in my previous reply?

Could it be that the "Ignore folder formats saved within this layout" setting is the solution for this problem?

Oops cross post.

Anyway, you said I should edit "Path Formats". Probably you meant to say "Favorite Formats".

...because only in "Preferences / Folders / Folder Formats / Favorite Formats" there is a line for the folders in question. Which I edited, with the above result.