Folder Formats with regular expression


Can anyone help me with regular expressions?

I have a similar structure

C:\Folder 1 | |-->subfolder 1(first child folder) | | | |->subfolder X(second child folder) | | | |->subfolder Z | | | | |-->folder...(first child folder) | | | |->folder...(second child folder) | | | |->folder... | | | | | |-->folder...(first child folder) | | | |->folder...(second child folder) | | | |->folder...
I wanted to set a "Folder Formats" dedicated to all first and second child folders (but not the third)
I can do it?

I created two paths Folder Format

[code]C:\Folder 1+$

C:\Folder 1\[^\]+$[/code]

It seems to work

But I did it right?

The first one allows :

C:\Folder 1
C:\Folder 11
C:\Folder 1111

Is that what you intended?

If you just want level 1 and level 2 folders, generically, you can do:


Which says 1 or 2 folders from C: and that's all.

Yes, I wanted the 1 and 2 level folders

I tried as you suggested, and it works as intended (then using only one Wildcard Path Format)
