Folder Tree - Fixed Favouries or Quick Access

Hi. I have a very log folder Tree list which means my Quick Access and Favourites folders scroll vertically out of view when I'm lower down in the Folder Tree. Is there a way to Lock the Quick Access and Favourites folders from vertically scrolling.
It seems counter intuitive to have these disappear when they they should be readily available.

You can't split the folder tree itself in two and have the top half not scroll.

But you can display those lists in other places. For example, you could put a toolbar on the left of the window and add the favorites list to that, if you want your favorites to be visible all the time instead of inside a menu like the default config has them.

If you haven't found the Favorites menu, it's the icon just to the left of the path field:

2020-11-01 10-57-46 Clipboard Image

You can copy the commands from there into a top-level toolbar to put the favorites list on the toolbar.

Thanks for your prompt reply. I will take your suggestions.