Folder tree not showing all folders on network drives

When viewing a network drive and navigating into folders by double clicking the folders in the file view pane, the folder tree doesn't show all folders at the same level. It only shows the folder that I've navigated into, i.e. at every level in the tree there is only one folder unless I navigate up and then down into a sibling folder.

This is different to Windows Explorer and I cannot find a setting that changes this behaviour in Directory Opus, so does anyone know how to change this?

For reference, running DO 10.2 on Windows 7, both 64 bit.

Don't forgot to link your account for priority support....

Check "Folder Tree Options" and "Automatically expand to current folder" in the preference pane...


That option was already checked but the sub option for 'Populate contents for local drives only' was selected. Now changed to 'Fully populate contents' and it works as expected :slight_smile:

I missed the option when searching as I searched on 'network' !