In Dopus 12.24.1 Pro edition (and earlier releases for at least a year), I have to wait just over 30 seconds to see any filename rows (standard details) in my Temp4Orb-02 folder. In File Explorer, I was surprised to find that the 3800+ files in Temp4Orb-02 display without delay (no more than a second).
I can switch between the top lister and bottom lister without waiting for file details to refresh. When I forget to open Dopus, I have to wait close to 40 seconds for most folders to display files in lister after starting the program afresh. Folder Tree (top and bottom) display immediately. In my Tech folder with 74 PDFs, size, modified, and name display immediately.
Dopus provides no message during the 30+ seconds it takes for any filenames to display in Temp4Orb-02 folder.
Please help me determine a way for Dopus to display ordinary file details, especially name and date for my growing folder of PDFs without huge delay.
Thanks for your help.
PS. My adult son and I have been DOPUS users for at least ten years, likely closer to twenty.
My guess is that it's something to do with antivirus, and it's reacting to something Opus is doing but not Explorer. Or it's treating the two processes differently.
Not much else would slow down the initial folder read, at least if it's a normal local folder, and no scripts are installed.
If you generate some process snapshots during the 30 second delay, we may be able to use those to see where the delay is happening.
My guess was wrong; it's just a configuration issue, although a surprising one.
There's a label regex set up on (.*)\.(h|jpg|jpeg|dfm)$ and it's being tested for all files before the folder can be displayed. (The columns are set to autosize, and it's checking if any files match the label in case it makes them bold, which affects the column width.)
For some reason, evaluating that regex on all the files seems to be taking a long time. It looks like the files have quite long names, but I'm still surprised by how long it's taking.
Replacing the regex with a wildcard of *.(h|jpg|jpeg|dfm) may prove to be faster, and will have the same result.
Failing that, please try disabling the label entirely to see if that solves the problem. It's always possible that this is really a symptom of a different issue, and not the actual cause.
EDIT: What's also unexpected here is that it's apparently evaluating the labels for every file. It would normally only do this when files become visible (and potentially resize the columns if a long, bold filename scrolled into view).
If you're sorting by a column that depends on the labels (the Label column itself is the most obvious one) then that might explain why it's having to evaluate all the labels up-front.
Thanks, Leo, for determining root cause. After reading your answer and searching for well over an hour in Dopus, I cannot find where to apply the change in regex you kindly supplied. I use a combination of author's lastname_firstname_pubyear_title to define sort order for my research folder. Where do I find the default regex expression for the lister? My son might figure this out in coming days, but I'm almost clueless. Thanks again for your help, Leo.
Go to Preferences / Favorites and Recent / Label Assignments and near the bottom of the list you should find your existing regex. Double-click it to edit it, and there's a field there where you can change the regex/wildcard string, and a checkbox below that to say whether it's a regex or a wildcard.
Thanks for the astonishingly fast response, Leo. I changed Regex to *.(h|jpg|jpeg|dfm) and checked TempOrb-02 folder. Display lag of 30+ seconds remains. I closed and opened DOPUS to verify results. No improvement. I look forward to more suggestions. I appreciate your help, Leo.
Try disabling that label entirely, and any others in the list, except the ones that point to a single file/folder path at the top of the list (if any).
(Note that the change won't take effect until OK or Apply are clicked in the Preferences dialog.)
Turning off two of the Label Assignments resulted in white filenames for all but two PDFs (see Snag). Color assignment does not want to return from whatever I have done (not important to me).
Time to see files decreased to 29 seconds from 31. I'm not clear why the regex includes jpg, jpeg, dpm when all files have consistent PDF extensions (virtually all text). I'd like a brief primer on regex applied to file extensions. Thus far, we have not substantially reduced the time delay, which I regard as priority. Thanks, Leo.
You have a large number of regex filters there, which may be part of the problem. The time to evaluate them all can add up with a big folder.
Have you tried disabling all of them?
The regex isn't part of the default config, so you'd have to ask whoever created it what their intent was. Is it something your son set up? (Or did you import someone else's config from the forum or elsewhere? That may have included those labels/regex if so.)
Yes, Leo! I see display of filenames in under two seconds (closer to one) after turning scores of them off. You achieved successful resolution of the long filename display delay--and taught me some mysteries under the hood of DOPUS.
Two PDFs in the snag I submitted are still orange; I don't know why just these two rows remain colored.
One follow-up: Before changing Label Assignments, the quick filter at the bottom of the lister revealed only entries related to what I successively typed in the filter. Now I also see many other "noise" entries. How do I restore the default action of the quick filter to get "Habets_" entries as I enter characters? (See Snag.)
Those files may have labels applied to the files themselves, or they might be colored differently due to their file attributes.
If you right-click them, there should be a Set Label menu where you can reset any label applied to the files directly. (If not, it's also in the "Properties" button-menu on the default toolbars.)
If it's due to attributes, see if the file has the S attribute set, which is usually the one that changes colors of things.
If remembers what you've typed before (unless it's configured to show file extensions/types). Just keep using it and it'll remember the most recent things you've typed into it.