i have question. i have 10-20 mp3 albums on hard drive for every-day listening. from time to time i change them-new albums rip to hard and old ones burn to cd or dvd. but, when i'm manipulate with those folders and mp3 files i don't have all informations that i want. questio is: when i open folder with music, and when i see track1.mp3, track2.mp3....track20.mp3, at colimns i see their size, track number, duration, bit-rate, etc. BUT, is there any solution or possibility to see at least few of those informations when i'm looking at root folders of those mp3 files?? i hope u understand me?!
when i have open lister with: artist - album, artist2 - album2, artist3 - album3, all i can see is size in mb, date of creation or modification and something like that. but, can i see at least duration of tracks inside and relative bitrate of files inside? i was trying with content folders, with favorites, but nothing.
once more time: now i have:
ARTIST NAME - ALBUM NAME | 100 MB | 12.06.2007
i wish to have something like this:
ARTIST NAME - ALBUM NAME | 100 MB | 0h:54m | 256 kbps | 12.06.2007
is that possible???