For programs, an x32 / x64 column would be helpful

for programs, an x32 / x64 column would be helpful

Is that so?

You are able to make a custom column that would do this.

I found this stackoverflow answer, that indicates a method by checking the exe file how-to-check-if-a-binary-is-32-or-64-bit-on-windows.

For how to do that as a dopus custom column you can check this script that does something similar. real-header-file-type-extension

If you link your account someone might do it for you.

@qiuqiu nice, what column is that?

is this

option explicit

'const SecsPerDay = 86400

' Column Collection
' (c) 2017 qiuqiu

' This is a script for Directory Opus.
' See for development information.

' Called by Directory Opus to initialize the script
Function OnInit(initData)           = "Column Collection"
	initData.desc           = GetResString("ScriptDesc")
	initData.copyright      = "qiuqiu"
	initData.version        = "1.1.6"
	initData.min_version    = "12.0"
	initData.default_enable = True

    initData.config.Debug = True
    initData.config.TextFiles = "" & vbCRLF & _
                                ".c++.css.csv.ini.inf.pas.dproj.bdsproj.dpr.dpk.dfm" & vbCRLF & _
                                ""   & vbCRLF & _
                                ""   & vbCRLF & _
                                "" & vbCRLF & _
    initData.config.ExeFiles =  ".exe.dll.ocx.cpl.8be.8bi.apl.8bf.8li.8bx.8ba.8me.bpl.lld"
    initData.config.SiLength = 5
    initData.config.AgeUnit  = DOpus.Create.Vector(0,GetResString("UnitAuto"), GetResString("UnitMinutes"), GetResString("UnitHours"), GetResString("UnitDays"), GetResString("UnitWeeks"), GetResString("UnitMonths"), GetResString("UnitYear"))
    initData.config_groups   = DOpus.Create.Map("TextFiles", GetResString("TextFilesDesc"), "ExeFiles", GetResString("PEFilesDesc"), "Ageunit", GetResString("AgeUnitDesc"), _
                                                "Debug", GetResString("DebugDesc"), "SiLength", GetResString("Other"))

    initData.config_desc     = DOpus.Create.Map("SiLength", GetResString("SiLength"))

    Dim col
	Set col       = initData.AddColumn      = "IsEmptyFile"
	col.method    = "OnGetCol"
	col.label     = GetResString("IsEmptyFile")
	col.justify   = "center"
	col.autogroup = True

	Set col        = initData.AddColumn       = "IsModified"
	col.method     = "OnGetCol"
	col.label      = GetResString("IsModified")
	col.justify    = "center"
    col.grouporder = "Never Modified;Modified"
    'col.autogroup   = False

    Set col       = initData.AddColumn      = "Platform"
    col.method    = "OnGetCol"
    col.label     = GetResString("Platform")
    col.justify   = "center"
    col.autogroup = True

    Set col         = initData.AddColumn        = "TextEncode"
    col.method      = "OnGetCol"
    col.label       = GetResString("TextEncode")
    col.justify     = "left"
    col.autogroup   = True
    Col.defwidth    = 70

    ' Set col         = initData.AddColumn
    '        = "AccessAge"
    ' col.method      = "OnGetAge"
    ' col.label       = GetResString("AccessAt")
    ' col.justify     = "Right"
    ' Col.defwidth    = 70
    ' col.autorefresh = True
'    col.autogroup   = False

    Set col         = initData.AddColumn        = "CreateAge"
    col.method      = "OnGetAge"
    col.label       = GetResString("CreateAt")
    col.justify     = "Right"
    Col.defwidth    = 70
    col.autorefresh = True
'    col.autogroup   = False

    Set col         = initData.AddColumn        = "ModifyAge"
    col.method      = "OnGetAge"
    col.label       = GetResString("ModifyAt")
    col.justify     = "Right"
    Col.defwidth    = 70
    col.autorefresh = True
    col.autogroup   = False

    Set col         = initData.AddColumn        = "Signature"
    col.method      = "OnGetCol"
    col.label       = GetResString("Signature")
    col.justify     = "Left"
    col.autorefresh = True
End Function

Sub LogMsg(ByVal Message)
    If Script.Config.Debug Then DOpus.Output(Message)
End Sub

Function GetResString(ByVal ResName)
    GetResString = DOpus.Strings.Get(ResName)
End Function

' Function:    FormatMessage
' Purpose:     Slot-based string formatting function.
' Example:
'   Dim str
'   str = FormatMessage ("Hello, Mr. %1%, today is %2%.", Array("McNeel", Date))
Function FormatMessage(strMessage, arrArguments)
  Dim strResult, i
  strResult = strMessage
  For i = 0 To UBound(arrArguments)
    strResult = Replace(strResult, "%" & CStr(i+1) & "%", CStr(arrArguments(i)))
  strResult = Replace(strResult, "\n", VbCrLf)
  strResult = Replace(strResult, "\t", vbTab)
  FormatMessage = strResult
End Function

' Function:    Printf
' Purpose:     Works like the printf-function in C/C++.
' Arguments:   A string with format characters, and an array to expand.
'              The format characters are always "%x", independent of the type.
' Example:
'   Dim str
'   str = Printf("Hello, Mr. %x, today is %x.", Array("McNeel", Date))
Function Printf(strMessage, arrArguments)
  Dim strResult, intPosition, i
  strResult = ""
  intPosition = 0
  For i = 1 To Len(strMessage)
    If Mid(strMessage, i, 1) = "%" Then
      If i < Len(strMessage) Then
        If Mid(strMessage, i + 1, 1) = "%" Then
          strResult = strResult & "%"
          i = i + 1
        ElseIf Mid(strMessage, i + 1, 1) = "x" Then
          strResult = strResult & CStr(arrArguments(intPosition))
          intPosition = intPosition + 1
          i = i + 1
        End If
      End If
      strResult = strResult & Mid(strMessage, i, 1)
    End If
  Printf = strResult
End Function

'*     Shl(AnyNumber, BitsToShiftBy)
'*         Returns a new number with bits shifted. 0's are shifted in from the
'*         right, bits will fall off on the left.
Function Shl(Number, Bits)
    Dim Result, tmpValue, i
    tmpValue = Number
    For i = 1 to Bits
        Select Case VarType(Number)
            Case vbLong
                Result = (tmpValue And "&H3FFFFFFF") * 2
                If tmpValue And "&H40000000" Then Result = Result Or "&H80000000"
                Result = CLng(Result)
            Case vbInteger
                Result = (tmpValue And "&H3FFF") * 2
                If tmpValue And "&H4000" Then Result = Result Or "&H8000"
                Result = CInt("&H"+ Hex(Result))
            Case vbByte
                Result = CByte((tmpValue And "&H7F") * 2)
            Case Else: Result = 0 ' Not a supported type
        End Select
        tmpValue = Result
    Shl = Result
End Function

'*     Shr(AnyNumber, BitsToShiftBy)
'*         Returns a new number with bits shifted
'*         0's are shifted in from the left. Bits will fall off on the right.
Function Shr(Number, Bits)
    Dim Result, tmpValue, i
    tmpValue = Number
    For i = 1 to Bits
        Select Case VarType(Number)
            Case vbLong
                Result = Int((tmpValue And "&H7FFFFFFF") / 2)
                If tmpValue And "&H80000000" Then Result = Result Or "&H40000000"
                Result = CLng(Result)
            Case vbInteger
                Result = Int((tmpValue And "&H7FFF") / 2)
                If tmpValue And "&H8000" Then Result = Result Or "&H4000"
                Result = CInt(Result)
            Case vbByte
                Result = CByte(tmpValue / 2)
            Case Else: Result = 0 ' Not a supported type
        End Select
        tmpValue = Result
    Shr = tmpValue
End Function

' Add a function to show file sizes in short string form
Function FormatFileSize(Size)
	Dim Mult, Exp, Denom
	' Windows supports files of up to 16EB.
	Mult = Array("B","KB","MB","GB","TB","PB","EB")
	Exp = 0 :Denom = 1
	While (Size >= Denom * 1024) AND (Exp < UBound(Mult))
		Denom = Denom * 1024
		Exp = Exp + 1
	FormatFileSize = (Size / Denom) & " " & Mult(Exp)
End Function

Function IsBlank(Value)
	'Returns True if Empty or NULL or Zero
	If IsEmpty(Value) or IsNull(Value) Then
		IsBlank = True
	ElseIf IsNumeric(Value) Then
		If Value = 0 Then IsBlank = True  'Special Case Change to suit your needs
	ElseIf IsObject(Value) Then
		If Value Is Nothing Then IsBlank = True
	ElseIf VarType(Value) = vbString Then
		If Value = "" Then IsBlank = True
	Else IsBlank = False
	End If
End Function

Function IIf(ByVal Expression, ByVal TruePart, ByVal FalsePart)
    If Expression Then
		If IsObject(TruePart)  Then Set IIf = TruePart  Else IIf = TruePart
		If IsObject(FalsePart) Then Set IIf = FalsePart Else IIf = FalsePart
	End If
End Function

Function HHex(ByVal Value)
    If Len(Hex(Value)) Mod 2 Then HHex = "0" & Hex(Value) Else HHex = Hex(Value)
End Function

Function CHex(Number, Bits)
    Dim strChars, intSign
    strChars = "0123456789ABCDEF"
    intSign = Sgn(Number)
    Number = Fix(Abs(CDbl(Number)))
    If (Number = 0) Then
        CHex = Right(String(Bits, "0"), Bits)
        Exit Function
    End If
    While (Number > 0)
        CHex = Mid(strChars, 1 + (Number - 16 * Fix(Number / 16)), 1) & CHex
        Number = Fix(Number / 16)
    If Len(CHex) < Bits Then CHex = Right(String(Bits, "0") & CHex, Bits)
    If (intSign = -1) Then CHex = "-" & CHex
End Function

Function CRoman(intNumber)
    Dim v, w, x, y, arrOnes, arrTens, arrHund, arrThou
    arrOnes = Array("","I","II","III","IV","V","VI","VII","VIII","IX")
    arrTens = Array("","X","XX","XXX","XL","L","LX","LXX","LXXX","XC")
    arrHund = Array("","C","CC","CCC","CD","D","DC","DCC","DCCC","CM")
    arrThou = Array("","M","MM","MMM","MMMM","MMMMM")
    v = ((intNumber - (intNumber Mod 1000)) / 1000)
    intNumber = (intNumber Mod 1000)
    w = ((intNumber - (intNumber Mod 100)) / 100)
    intNumber = (intNumber Mod 100)
    x = ((intNumber - (intNumber Mod 10)) / 10)
    y = (intNumber Mod 10)
    CRoman = arrThou(v) & arrHund(w) & arrTens(x) & arrOnes(y)
End Function

Function CUnRoman(strRoman)
    Dim intvalue, strChar, i
    intValue = 0
    If InStr(strRoman, "CM") Then
        intValue = intValue + 900
        strRoman = Replace(strRoman, "CM", vbBinaryCompare)
    End If
    If InStr(strRoman, "CD") Then
        intValue = intValue + 400
        strRoman = Replace(strRoman, "CD", vbBinaryCompare)
    End If
    If InStr(strRoman, "XC") Then
        intValue = intValue + 90
        strRoman = Replace(strRoman, "XC", vbBinaryCompare)
    End If
    If InStr(strRoman, "XL") Then
        intValue = intValue + 40
        strRoman = Replace(strRoman, "XL", vbBinaryCompare)
    End If
    If InStr(strRoman, "IX") Then
        intValue = intValue + 9
        strRoman = Replace(strRoman, "IX", vbBinaryCompare)
    End If
    If InStr(strRoman, "IV") Then
        intValue = intValue + 4
        strRoman = Replace(strRoman, "IV", vbBinaryCompare)
    End If
    For i = 1 To Len(strRoman)
        strChar = Mid(strRoman, i, 1)
        Select Case strChar
            Case "I" intValue = intValue + 1
            Case "V" intValue = intValue + 5
            Case "X" intValue = intValue + 10
            Case "L" intValue = intValue + 50
            Case "C" intValue = intValue + 100
            Case "D" intValue = intValue + 500
            Case "M" intValue = intValue + 1000
        End Select
    CUnRoman = intValue
End Function

Function IsArrayDimmed(arr)
  IsArrayDimmed = False
  If IsArray(arr) Then
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim ub : ub = UBound(arr)
    If (Err.Number = 0) And (ub >= 0) Then IsArrayDimmed = True
  End If
End Function

Function Min(ByVal a, ByVal b)
    If a < b Then Min = a Else Min = b
End Function

Function Max(ByVal a, ByVal b)
   If a > b Then Max = a Else  Max = b
End Function

Function PadLeft(ByVal PadStr, ByVal PadChar, ByVal PadLen)
	PadLeft = Left(PadStr & String(PadLen, CStr(PadChar)), PadLen)
End Function

Function PadRight(ByVal PadStr, ByVal PadChar, ByVal PadLen)
	PadRight = Right(String(PadLen, CStr(PadChar)) & PadStr, PadLen)
End Function

Function BlobToHex(ByVal BlobValue, ByVal Spaced) 'Spaced = 1, 2, 4, 8, 16
    If DOpus.Typeof(BlobValue) = "object.Blob" Then
        Dim i, Result
	    If Spaced = 1 Or Spaced = 2 Or Spaced = 4 Or Spaced = 8 Or Spaced = 16 Then Spaced = Spaced Else Spaced = 1
	    for i = 0 to BlobValue.size - 1
		    Result = Result & IIf(i = 0, PadRight(Hex(i), 0, 8), IIf(i mod 16, "", vbCRLF & PadRight(Hex(i), 0, 8)))  &  IIf(i=0, " ", IIF(i mod Spaced, "", " ")) & HHex(BlobValue(i))
	    BlobToHex = Trim(Result)
        BlobToHex = ""
    End If
End Function

Sub OutputBlob(ByVal BlobValue, ByVal Spaced)
	If DOpus.Typeof(BlobValue) = "object.Blob" Then Dopus.Output BlobToHex(BlobValue, Spaced)
End Sub

Function BlobToNumber(ByVal BlobValue)
    If DOpus.Typeof(BlobValue) = "object.Blob" Then
        Select Case BlobValue.Size
            Case 1 BlobToNumber = CByte(BlobValue(0))
            Case 2 BlobToNumber = CLng(BlobValue(0) + BlobValue(1) * 2 ^ 8)
            Case 4 BlobToNumber = CLng(BlobValue(0) + BlobValue(1) * 2 ^ 8 + BlobValue(2) * 2 ^ 16 + BlobValue(3) * 2 ^ 24)
            Case Else BlobToNumber = 0
        End Select
        BlobToNumber = 0
    End If
End Function

'StringFormat("At {0} in {1}, the temperature was {2} degrees.", Array(123, "adc", 789))
Function FormatString(ByVal Format, ByVal Args)
    Dim RegExp, Result
    Result = Format
    Set RegExp = New RegExp
    With RegExp
        .Pattern = "\{(\d{1,2})\}"
        .IgnoreCase = False
        .Global = True
    End With
    Set matches = RegExp.Execute(Result)
    For Each match In matches
        dim index
        index = CInt(Mid(match.Value, 2, Len(match.Value) - 2))
        Result = Replace(Result, match.Value, Args(index))
    Set matches = nothing
    Set RegExp = nothing
    FormatString = Result
End Function

Function ReadTextFile(ByVal FilePath, ByVal FCharset)
    Dim FStream, Result
    Set FStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
    FStream.Type = adTypeText
    FStream.Mode = adModeRead
    If Len(FCharset) > 0 Then
        On Error Resume Next
        FStream.Charset = FCharset
        If Err.number <> 0 Then
            FStream.Charset = "_autodetect_all"
        End If
        On Error Goto 0
    End If
    FStream.LoadFromFile sFilePath
    Result = FStream.ReadText
    Set FStream = Nothing
    ReadTextFile = Result
End Function

Function GetType(ByVal Path)
    With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Path = .GetAbsolutePathName(Path)
        Select Case True
            Case .FileExists(Path)   : GetType = 1
            Case .FolderExists(Path) : If .GetFolder(Path).IsRootFolder Then GetType = 3 Else GetType = 2
            Case Else : GetType = 0
        End Select
    End With
End Function

Function Is_Exists(ByVal Path)
    Is_Exists = GetType(Path) <> 0
End Function

Function Is_File(ByVal Path)
    Is_File = GetType(Path) = 1
End Function

Function Is_Folder(ByVal Path)
    Is_Folder = GetType(Path) = 2 Or GetType(Path) = 3
End Function

Function Is_Root(ByVal Path)
    Is_Root = GetType(Path) = 3
End Function

'Author: Demon
'Date: 2011/11/10
Function is_valid_utf8(ByRef input) 'ByRef以提高效率
    Dim s, re
    Set re = New Regexp
    s = "[\xC0-\xDF]([^\x80-\xBF]|$)"
    s = s & "|[\xE0-\xEF].{0,1}([^\x80-\xBF]|$)"
    s = s & "|[\xF0-\xF7].{0,2}([^\x80-\xBF]|$)"
    s = s & "|[\xF8-\xFB].{0,3}([^\x80-\xBF]|$)"
    s = s & "|[\xFC-\xFD].{0,4}([^\x80-\xBF]|$)"
    s = s & "|[\xFE-\xFE].{0,5}([^\x80-\xBF]|$)"
    s = s & "|[\x00-\x7F][\x80-\xBF]"
    s = s & "|[\xC0-\xDF].[\x80-\xBF]"
    s = s & "|[\xE0-\xEF]..[\x80-\xBF]"
    s = s & "|[\xF0-\xF7]...[\x80-\xBF]"
    s = s & "|[\xF8-\xFB]....[\x80-\xBF]"
    s = s & "|[\xFC-\xFD].....[\x80-\xBF]"
    s = s & "|[\xFE-\xFE]......[\x80-\xBF]"
    s = s & "|^[\x80-\xBF]"
    re.Pattern = s
    is_valid_utf8 = (Not re.Test(input))
End Function

Function IsAscii(ByVal TextIn)
    Dim vRegExp
    Set vRegExp = New RegExp
    With vRegExp
        .IgnoreCase = False
        .Global = True
        .Pattern = "[\x09-\x0D\x20-\x7E]"
        IsAscii = (.Replace(TextIn, "") = "")
    End With
    Set vRegExp = Nothing
End Function

Function IsAnsi(ByVal TextIn)
    Dim vRegExp
    Set vRegExp = New RegExp
    With vRegExp
        .IgnoreCase = False
        .Global = True
        .Pattern = "[\x00-\x08\x0E-\x1F\x7F]"
        IsAnsi = (TextIn = .Replace(TextIn, ""))
    End With
    Set vRegExp = Nothing
End Function

Function GetMachine(ByVal FileName)
    Dim File, Result, BValue
    Dim Machine', NumberOfSections, TimeDateStamp, PointerToSymbolTable, NumberOfSymbols, SizeOfOptionalHeader, Characteristics
    Set File = DOpus.FSUtil.OpenFile(FileName)
    Set BValue = DOpus.Create.Blob()
	Result = IIf(File.Size = 0, GetResString("Empty"), IIf(File.Size < &H40, GetResString("Small"), ""))

    If File.Error = 0 And File.Size > &H3F Then
        File.Read BValue, 2
        If (BlobToNumber(BValue) = &H5A4D&) Then 'IMAGE_DOS_HEADER Magic number MZ
            File.Seek &H3C, "b"
            File.Read BValue, 4
            File.Seek BlobToNumber(BValue), "b"
            File.Read BValue, 4
            If BlobToNumber(BValue) = &H00004550& Then 'IMAGE_NT_HEADERS Signature PE00
                File.Read BValue, 2
                Machine = BlobToNumber(BValue)
                'File.Read BValue, 2
                'NumberOfSections = BlobToNumber(BValue)
                'File.Read BValue, 4
                'TimeDateStamp = BlobToNumber(BValue)
                ''Dopus.Output DateAdd("s", TimeDateStamp + TimeZone, #1970/01/01 00:00:00#) & " @ " & FileName
                'File.Read BValue, 4
                'PointerToSymbolTable = BlobToNumber(BValue)
                'File.Read BValue, 4
                'NumberOfSymbols = BlobToNumber(BValue)
                'File.Read BValue, 2
                'SizeOfOptionalHeader = BlobToNumber(BValue)
                'File.Read BValue, 2
                'Characteristics = BlobToNumber(BValu)
                Select Case Machine
                    Case &H014C& Result = "32-bit"
                    Case &H0200& Result = "64-bit(IA64)"
                    Case &H8664& Result = "64-bit"
                    Case Else    Result = "Unknown"
                End Select
                Result = GetResString("NotPE")
            End If
        End If
        Set BValue = Nothing : Set File = Nothing
    End If
    GetMachine = Result
End Function

Function DetectBOM(ByVal FileName)
    Dim File, EnBlob, Result, i, StrBuf, ArrBuf
    Result = "--"
    Set File = DOpus.FSUtil.OpenFile(FileName)
    'Set EnBlob = DOpus.Create.Blob()
    If File.Error = 0 Then
        If File.Size >= 2048 Then
            Set EnBlob = File.Read(2048)
            Set EnBlob = File.Read
        End If
        Set File = Nothing
        Result = "Error" ' GetResString("Error")
        DetectBOM = Result
        Set File = Nothing
        Exit Function
    End If
    Select Case CBool(True)
        Case (EnBlob.Size = 0)                                                                                                                                   Result = GetResString("Empty")
        Case (EnBlob.Size < 3)                                                                                                                                   Result = GetResString("Small")
        Case (EnBlob(0)  = &HF7 And EnBlob(1)  = &H64 And EnBlob(2)  = &H4C)                                                                                     Result = "UTF-1"
        Case (EnBlob(0)  = &H2B And EnBlob(1)  = &H2F And EnBlob(2)  = &H76 And (EnBlob(3) = &H38 Or EnBlob(3) = &H39 Or EnBlob(3) = &H2B Or EnBlob(3) = &H2F))  Result = "UTF-7"
        Case (EnBlob(0)  = &HEF And EnBlob(1)  = &HBB And EnBlob(2)  = &HBF And EnBlob(3) <> &H00)                                                               Result = "UTF-8"
        Case (EnBlob(0) <> &H00 And EnBlob(1)  = &H00 And EnBlob(2) <> &H00 And EnBlob(3)  = &H00)                                                               Result = "UTF-16LE NO-BOM"
        Case (EnBlob(0)  = &H00 And EnBlob(1) <> &H00 And EnBlob(2)  = &H00 And EnBlob(3) <> &H00)                                                               Result = "UTF-16BE NO-BOM"
        Case (EnBlob(0)  = &HFF And EnBlob(1)  = &HFE And EnBlob(2) <> &H00)                                                                                     Result = "UTF-16LE"
        Case (EnBlob(0)  = &HFE And EnBlob(1)  = &HFF)                                                                                                           Result = "UTF-16BE"
        Case (EnBlob(0)  = &HFF And EnBlob(1)  = &HFE And EnBlob(2)  = &H00 And EnBlob(3)  = &H00)                                                               Result = "UTF-32LE"
        Case (EnBlob(0)  = &H00 And EnBlob(1)  = &H00 And EnBlob(2)  = &HFE And EnBlob(3)  = &HFF)                                                               Result = "UTF-32BE"
        Case (EnBlob(0)  = &H84 And EnBlob(1)  = &H31 And EnBlob(2)  = &H95 And EnBlob(3)  = &H33)                                                               Result = "GB-18030"
        Case (EnBlob(0)  = &HFB And EnBlob(1)  = &HEE And EnBlob(2)  = &H28)                                                                                     Result = "BOCU-1"
        Case (EnBlob(0)  = &H0E And EnBlob(1)  = &HFE And EnBlob(2)  = &HFF)                                                                                     Result = "SCSU"
        Case (EnBlob(0)  = &H00 And EnBlob(1)  = &H00 And EnBlob(2)  = &HFF And EnBlob(3)  = &HFE)                                                               Result = "UCS-2143"
        Case (EnBlob(0)  = &HFE And EnBlob(1)  = &HFF And EnBlob(2)  = &H00 And EnBlob(3)  = &H00)                                                               Result = "UCS-3412"
        Case (EnBlob(0)  = &HDD And EnBlob(1)  = &H73 And EnBlob(2)  = &H66 And EnBlob(3)  = &H73)                                                               Result = "UTF-EBCDIC"
        Case (EnBlob(0)  = &H1B) '
            Select Case CBool(True)
                Case (EnBlob(0) = &H1B And (EnBlob(1) = &H28 Or EnBlob(1) = &H24) And (EnBlob(2) = 40 Or EnBlob(2) = 42 Or EnBlob(2) = &H4A)) Result = "ISO-2022-JP"
                Case (EnBlob(0) = &H1B And EnBlob(1) = &H24 And EnBlob(2) = &H28) Result = "ISO-2022-JP-1"
                Case (EnBlob(0) = &H1B And (EnBlob(1) = &H24 Or EnBlob(1) = &H2E) And (EnBlob(2) = &H28 Or EnBlob(2) =&H41 Or EnBlob(2) =&H46)) Result = "ISO-2022-JP-2"
                Case (EnBlob(0) = &H1B And EnBlob(1) = &H28 And EnBlob(2) = &H49) Or (EnBlob(0) = &H1B And EnBlob(1) = &H24 And EnBlob(2) = &H28 And (EnBlob(3) = &H4F Or EnBlob(3) = &H50)) Result = "ISO-2022-JP-3"
                Case (EnBlob(0) = &H1B And EnBlob(1) = &H24 And EnBlob(2) =&H28 And EnBlob(2) =&H51) Result = "ISO-2022-JP-2004"
                Case (EnBlob(0) = &H1B And EnBlob(1) = &H24 And EnBlob(2) =&H29 And EnBlob(3) =&H43) Result = "ISO-2022-KR"
                Case (EnBlob(0) = &H1B And EnBlob(1) = &H24 And (EnBlob(2) = &H29 Or EnBlob(2) = &H2A) And (EnBlob(3) = &H41 Or EnBlob(3) = &H47 Or EnBlob(3) = &H48)) Result = "ISO-2022-CN"
                Case (EnBlob(0) = &H1B And EnBlob(1) = &H24 And (EnBlob(2) = &H29 Or EnBlob(2) = &H2B) And (EnBlob(3) = &H45 Or (EnBlob(3) >= &H49 And EnBlob(3) <= &H4D))) Result = "ISO-2022-CN-EXT"
            End Select
        Case Else
            ArrBuf = Join(EnBlob.ToVBArray)
            For i = 0 to EnBlob.Size - 1
                StrBuf = StrBuf + ChrW(EnBlob(i))
            If CBool(InStr(1, ArrBuf, " 13 0 10 0 ")) Or CBool(InStr(1, ArrBuf, " 32 0 ")) Then
                Result = "UTF-16LE NO-BOM"
            ElseIf CBool(InStr(1, ArrBuf, " 0 13 0 10 ")) Or CBool(InStr(1, ArrBuf, " 0 32 ")) Then
                Result = "UTF-16BE NO-BOM"
                Result = IIf(IsAscii(StrBuf), "ASCII", IIf(is_valid_utf8(StrBuf), "UTF-8 NO-BOM", "")) 'MaxByte <= 126 And IIf(MinByte = 9, True, IIf(MinByte = 10, True, IIf(MinByte = 13, True, IIf(MinByte >=32 And MinByte < 128, True, False))))
            End If
    End Select
    Set EnBlob = Nothing
    DetectBOM = Result
End Function

' Implement the Age columns
Function OnGetAge(AgeColData)
    Dim DDiff, ItemDate, GroupText
    If Is_Exists(AgeColData.Item.Realpath) Then
    'If DOpus.FSUtil.Exists(AgeColData.Item.Realpath) Then
        Select Case AgeColData.Col
            ' Case "AccessAge"
            '     ItemDate = AgeColData.Item.access : GroupText = GetResString("AccessAt")
            Case "CreateAge"
                ItemDate = AgeColData.Item.create : GroupText = GetResString("CreateAt")
            Case "ModifyAge"
                ItemDate = AgeColData.Item.modify : GroupText = GetResString("ModifyAt")
                'LogMsg AgeColData.Item & Chr(9) & " modify date time: " & ItemDate
        End Select
        if ItemDate >= #1970/01/01 00:00:00# And ItemDate <= Now() Then
            DDiff = DateDiff("n",ItemDate, Now())
            Select Case LCase(Script.Config.AgeUnit)
                Case "0" 'Auto
                    Select Case CBool(True)
                        Case (DDiff  >= 0 And DDiff < 60) ' Minutes
                            AgeColData.value = DDiff & GetResString("minutes")
                            AgeColData.sort  = CDbl(DDiff / 10 ^ 9) + 0
                            AgeColData.Group = GroupText & GetResString("g-minutes")
                        Case (DDiff  >= 60 And DDiff < 1440) 'Hours
                            AgeColData.value = DDiff \ 60 & GetResString("hours")
                            AgeColData.sort  = CDbl(DDiff / 10 ^ 9) + 1
                            AgeColData.Group = GroupText & GetResString("g-hours")
                        Case (DDiff  >= 1440 And DDiff < 10080) 'Day
                            AgeColData.value = DDiff \ 1440 & GetResString("days")
                            AgeColData.sort  = CDbl(DDiff / 10 ^ 9) + 2
                            AgeColData.Group = GroupText & GetResString("g-days")
                        Case (DDiff  >= 10080 And DDiff < 43200) 'Week
                            AgeColData.value = DDiff \ 10080 & GetResString("weeks")
                            AgeColData.sort  = CDbl(DDiff / 10 ^ 9) + 3
                            AgeColData.Group = GroupText & GetResString("g-weeks")
                        Case (DDiff  >= 43200 And DDiff < 525960)
                            AgeColData.value = DDiff \ 43200 & GetResString("months")
                            AgeColData.sort  = CDbl(DDiff / 10 ^ 9) + 4
                            AgeColData.Group = GroupText & GetResString("g-months")
                        Case (DDiff  >= 525960) 'Year
                            AgeColData.value = DDiff \ 525960 & GetResString("years")
                            AgeColData.sort  = CDbl(DDiff / 10 ^ 9) + 5
                            AgeColData.Group = GroupText & GetResString("g-years")
                    End Select
                Case "1"  'Minutes
                    AgeColData.value = DDiff & GetResString("minutes")
                    AgeColData.sort  = CDbl(DDiff / 10 ^ 9) + 0
                    AgeColData.Group = GroupText & GetResString("g-minutes")
                Case "2"  'Hours
                    AgeColData.value = DDiff \ 60 & GetResString("hours")
                    AgeColData.sort  = CDbl(DDiff / 10 ^ 9) + 1
                    AgeColData.Group = GroupText & GetResString("g-hours")
                Case "3"  'Day
                    AgeColData.value = DDiff \ 1440 & GetResString("days")
                    AgeColData.sort  = CDbl(DDiff / 10 ^ 9) + 2
                    AgeColData.Group = GroupText & GetResString("g-days")
                Case "4"  'Week
                    AgeColData.value = DDiff \ 10080 & GetResString("weeks")
                    AgeColData.sort  = CDbl(DDiff / 10 ^ 9) + 3
                    AgeColData.Group = GroupText & GetResString("g-weeks")
                Case "5"  'Month
                    AgeColData.value = DDiff \ 43200 & GetResString("months")
                    AgeColData.sort  = CDbl(DDiff / 10 ^ 9) + 4
                    AgeColData.Group = GroupText & GetResString("g-months")
                Case "6"  'Year
                    AgeColData.value = DDiff \ 525960 & GetResString("years")
                    AgeColData.sort  = CDbl(DDiff / 10 ^ 9) + 5
                    AgeColData.Group = GroupText & GetResString("g-years")
            End Select
            AgeColData.value = GetResString("Error")
            AgeColData.sort  = CDbl(DDiff / 10 ^ 9) + 6
            AgeColData.Group = GroupText & GetResString("g-Error")
        End If
    End If
End Function

Function OnGetCol(GetColData)
    If Is_Exists(GetColData.Item.Realpath) Then
        Select Case GetColData.Col
            Case "IsModified" ' Implement the IsModified column
                If Is_File(GetColData.Item.Realpath) Then 'Is_File(GetColData.Item)
                    If GetColData.Item.Create = GetColData.Item.Modify Then
                        GetColData.Sort = 2
                        GetColData.Group = "Never Modified"
                        GetColData.value = Cstr(True)
                        GetColData.Sort = 1
                        GetColData.Group = "Modified"
                    End If
                    GetColData.Sort = 0
                    GetColData.Group = "Folder"
                End If
            Case "IsEmptyFile" ' Implement the EmptyFile column
                If Is_File(GetColData.Item.Realpath) Then GetColData.value = CStr(Not CBool(GetColData.Item.size)) 'And GetColData.Item.size = 0
            Case "Platform" ' Implement the Platform column
                If Is_File(GetColData.Item.Realpath) And (InStr(LCase(Script.Config.ExeFiles + "."), LCase(GetColData.Item.Ext + ".")) <> 0) And (Len(GetColData.Item.Ext) <> 0) Then
    	            GetColData.value = GetMachine(GetColData.Item)
                End If
            Case "TextEncode" ' Implement the Encoding column
                If Is_File(GetColData.Item.Realpath) And (InStr(LCase(Replace(Script.Config.TextFiles, vbCRLF, "") + "."), LCase(GetColData.item.Ext + ".")) <> 0) And (Len(GetColData.item.Ext) <> 0) Then
                    GetColData.value = DetectBOM(GetColData.item)
                End If
            Case "Signature" ' Implement the Signature column
                If Is_File(GetColData.Item.Realpath) Then
                    Dim i, arrSig, arrString
                    If CBool(GetColData.Item.size) Then
                        arrSig = DOpus.FSUtil.OpenFile(GetColData.Item.Realpath).Read(5).ToVBArray
                        For i = 0 To UBound(arrSig)
                            GetColData.value = GetColData.value & Right("0" & Hex(arrSig(i)), 2) & " "
                            If (arrSig(i) >= 33) And (arrSig(i) <= 126) Then arrString = arrString & ChrW(arrSig(i)) Else arrString = arrString & ChrW(32)
                        GetColData.value = "[" & Trim(GetColData.value) & "] [" & arrString & "]"
                    End If
                End If
        End Select
    End If
End Function

    <resource type     = "strings">
        <strings lang  = "chs">
            <string id = "ScriptDesc"  text = "自定义列合集" />
            <string id = "IsEmptyFile" text = "空文件" />
            <string id = "IsModified"  text = "修改过" />
            <string id = "Platform"    text = "运行平台" />
            <string id = "TextEncode"  text = "文本编码" />
            <string id = "AccessAt"    text = "访问于" />
            <string id = "CreateAt"    text = "创建于" />
            <string id = "ModifyAt"    text = "修改于" />
            <string id = "Signature"   text = "文件签名" />
            <string id = "Empty"       text = "文件为空" />
            <string id = "Small"       text = "文件太小" />
            <string id = "NotPe"       text = "非 PE 格式文件" />
            <string id = "minutes"     text = " 分钟前" />
            <string id = "hours"       text = " 小时前" />
            <string id = "days"        text = " 天以前" />
            <string id = "weeks"       text = " 周以前" />
            <string id = "months"      text = " 月以前" />
            <string id = "years"       text = " 年以前" />
            <string id = "G-minutes"   text = " 一小时内" />
            <string id = "G-hours"     text = " 一天以内" />
            <string id = "G-days"      text = " 一周以内" />
            <string id = "G-weeks"     text = " 一月以内" />
            <string id = "G-months"    text = " 一年以内" />
            <string id = "G-years"     text = " 一年以上" />
            <string id = "Error"       text = " " />
            <string id = "G-Error"     text = " 日期错误" />
            <string id = "UnitAuto"    text = "自动" />
            <string id = "UnitMinutes" text = "分钟" />
            <string id = "UnitHours"   text = "小时" />
            <string id = "UnitDays"    text = "天" />
            <string id = "UnitWeeks"   text = "周" />
            <string id = "UnitMonths"  text = "月" />
            <string id = "UnitYear"    text = "年" />
            <string id = "AgeUnitDesc" text = "文件时间列单位" />
            <string id = "DebugDesc"   text = "脚本调试开关" />
            <string id = "PEFilesDesc" text = "PE 文件扩展名" />
            <string id = "TextFilesDesc" text = "文本文件扩展名" />
            <string id = "SiLength"    text = "读取文件签名长度" />
            <string id = "Other"       text = "其它" />
        <strings lang  = "english">
            <string id = "ScriptDesc"  text = "Customize the set of columns." />
            <string id = "IsEmptyFile" text = "Is Empty File" />
            <string id = "IsModified"  text = "Is Modified" />
            <string id = "Platform"    text = "Platform" />
            <string id = "TextEncode"  text = "Encoding" />
            <string id = "AccessAt"    text = "Access At" />
            <string id = "CreateAt"    text = "Create At" />
            <string id = "ModifyAt"    text = "Modify At" />
            <string id = "Signature"   text = "Signature" />
            <string id = "Empty"       text = "File is empty." />
            <string id = "Small"       text = "File too small." />
            <string id = "NotPe"       text = "Not PE file." />
            <string id = "minutes"     text = " minutes ago" />
            <string id = "hours"       text = " hours ago  " />
            <string id = "days"        text = " days ago   " />
            <string id = "weeks"       text = " weeks ago  " />
            <string id = "months"      text = " months ago " />
            <string id = "years"       text = " years ago  " />
            <string id = "Error"       text = " date error" />
            <string id = "G-minutes"   text = " within one hours"/>
            <string id = "G-hours"     text = " within one days"/>
            <string id = "G-Days"      text = " within one weeks"/>
            <string id = "G-Weeks"     Text = " within one months"/>
            <string id = "G-months"    text = " within one years"/>
            <string id = "G-Years"     Text = " More than one years"/>
            <string id = "G-Error"     text = " Date error" />
            <string id = "UnitAuto"    text = " Auto" />
            <string id = "UnitMinutes" text = " Minute" />
            <string id = "UnitHours"   text = " Hour" />
            <string id = "UnitDays"    text = " Day" />
            <string id = "UnitWeeks"   text = " Week" />
            <string id = "UnitMonths"  text = " Month" />
            <string id = "UnitYear"    text = " Year" />
            <string id = "AgeUnitDesc" text = "File age column unit." />
            <string id = "DebugDesc"   text = "Script debug switch." />
            <string id = "PEFilesDesc" text = "PE file extensions." />
            <string id = "TextFilesDesc" text = "Text file extensions." />
            <string id = "SiLength"    text = "Read the file signature length" />
            <string id = "Other"       text = "Other" />

that script needs its own thread.

The Description column includes this information for .exe files.


I might update the column script for .exe files once I free myself some more time. Thanks for the Stackoverflow link.

Folks, pls advise how the above script,
that has resources embedded
can be successfully deployed,

Have you tried the built-in Description column?