FR: Scan type in video metadata

Can you add this metadata option in the video columns for dopus 13?
Some clients send files interlaced and it is useful to be able to quickly view it in the folder.

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You should be able to do it via script columns. See the first reply from Lxp here: How to know if a video file is interlace or progressive

I think I looked into this recently, in terms of adding a built-in column for it, but struggled to find an interlaced videos to test with. If you know where to find a couple, we can probably add a column for it in the future.

I have read that in opus 13 you extract the metadata from Mediainfo for the videos. I thought it would be easier to integrate it.

I'll try it with the script, thanks

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We do, but MediaInfo can report information in unpredictable/inconsistent ways, so test files are essential.

(For example, there are multiple ways the same type of HDR can be reported, which vary between files.)

Thanks! The VideoHelp samples look good! (Couldn't find "interlac" on the Kodi page, FWIW.)

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Search for "1080i" on,_Framerates,_Black-levels_and_Subtitles.

Ah, of course. Thank you!

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@JP5000 in the meantime, you can try MediaInfoTip, and see how it works for you.
The relevant column would be "Scan Type" and after you install and config the script, you can find it in Movies Category.

Thank you very much!