Fractional stars, rating 1-99?

Hi there.. o)

I noticed the rating system stores values between 1 and 99 and that reminded me of some kind of DO update/change that would allow setting "half" and "quarter" stars via columns etc. Is that something I remember wrong? I looked through all the release notes, couldn't find it anymore.

For fun, I did a script command and column supporting 10 stars, so this makes use of the internal "extended" rating range there already is. This is not something really important, just wanted to clarify whether I remember correctly.

If there is an update I missed out, I'd consider to reboot the komputer today! o)

Thanks! o)

I think the actual stars still only show 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.

You could have a script column showing a bar graph for a more granular rating (albeit without being able to click the column itself to change the rating).

Ok, so I really seem to have misread that somewhere. No problem. o)

Yes, bar graph could work out as well, I currently have a 10 and 5 star scripted column, reading the ADS data directly and testing some things. Being not able to click on these columns is what I actually prefer - right now at least. I often drag-select things and in an empty or partly filled rating column, this obviously leads to unwanted rating actions.

This thread was not meant to file rating column enhancements, but these came to my mind during the last period to prevent the column from acting unwanted (for me):
1 rate on doubleclick only
2 restrict action to a real single click, not click and drag
3 make stars popup on hovering with the mouse, so awareness about what happens increases (though I'm not necessarily a fan of nervous UIs with lot's of stuff blinking when moving the mouse around).

Anyway, thank you for clarifying my wrong assumption! o)

Scripts can also add their own columns that look the same as the rating stars, with a configurable number of stars.

So you could have a 10 star column, for example.

Yes, yes! Thanks! o)