Free memory regularly

Is it posible to make this option ? I'm using maxthon browser and they have this option so the browser didnt hug too much memory. I always keep my opus lister window open all the time, so by the time memory consumed keep increasing and i have to manually decrease it by minime and click again to restore or using software such as cachemanXP. One of the reason i didnt like explorer is they consume too much memory.

thx :laughing:

If Opus and Explorer are both using a lot of memory on your machine, after using them for a while, then you probably have a shell extension that is leaking memory.

There's no "release memory" option in Opus since Opus doesn't generally hold on to memory that it doesn't need. Memory usage can be increased by using lots of background images etc. (they all have to be loaded into memory) but if you have excessive memory usage, or memory usage that builds up endlessly over time, then something is causing a leak. Usually a shell extension or video codec that Opus (or Explorer) is relying on to get information, thumbnails or context menus for files.

hmm... how could i identify which extension or whatever leak ? normally extensive usage of opus how much memory it use leo ? mine can go 50mb++ and for me thats no good.

This is a job best suited for a dedicated memory manager, like Cacheman.

Will that help find the component that is leaking memory, or does it just optimize/tweak things?

BTW, the memory caching and related things in Vista has been improved massively. MS did a good job there.

CM 1.5 has an enhanced task manager, but I don't think you can track leaking components with it. Its main subject is RAM and cache tweaking, auto-optimizing, recovering...