Freeze mouse tracking

Hi.. Sorry if this has been ask before but I got no luck in searching.

Is there anyway to make dopus stop tracking what is under my mouse pointer once I start pressing key on keyboard?

The reason for this is I use single click open file which mean point to select was activated. I find it quite annoying when I start using keyboard to perform action on selected file/s then dopus will detect other thing under mouse pointer and will select that file.

For example I'm opening the viewer pane this make my current lister shrink and dopus will select other file on the other panel. BTW I am using dual pane with details view.


No, there's no way to do that.

so this is considered a bug or unintended feature? hmm.. any solution for this because I really like the single click to launch file feature :frowning:

It doesn't seem like a bug, just one of several reasons that single-click mode is a bad idea (IMO). :slight_smile:

Single-click mode selects whatever is under the mouse. That's just what it does... Move the mouse out of the way if you want to avoid accidentally selecting things as they move around.

I guess you could automatically move the mouse out of the way when the viewer is turned on (for example) by adding a command to move the mouse pointer to the button/hotkey for the viewer, if that helps.

Ok maybe I'm really bad at searching but I try finding online/offline/forum dopus command to move the mouse pointer but no luck. Can you please point me where or do you mean to use external program to do so?

Yeah there are many disadvantage of using single click mode but can you imagine how many thousands or millions it can save :confused: I'm always on dopus throughout of the day.

Should I make a feature request to make an option where dopus switch to keyboard mode when I start typing and ignore whatever under mouse until I move the mouse?

I´m using a macro tool here, to move the mouse pointer to some place at the border where it couldn´t irritate the selection state or navigation in listers anymore.
Maybe someone could help you set up some Autohotkey command, which could do this as well?