"Front-End" for different operations

For different operations I would like to have some kind of "front-end", where I can execute one or more operations (DO-command, batch, reg, exe,...) using checkboxes.

This could look like this:

Example 1:

Executes selected options

Example 2:

Backup/restore the settings from different programs (at the moment I use a seperate usercommand for backup and restore and for each program)

Note: I don't know if that could be realized or how much work it is, I just ask! But I also think that could be a useful template for the scripts-section.

You can do this using scripting in Opus 11 and beta 4 or 5 (or above).

There's half an example near the bottom of this thread. It puts a list of checkboxes on the screen. I think you then look in the Dlg.choices array to find out which items are checked afterwards, but I haven't revisited it since that was added in beta 4.