FSUtil.GetTypes assume archives as folders, sometimes crash

So I just want to figure it out how to know wheter a path is a file, folder, drive, etc, without using Scripting.FileSystem object on a script, and it seems that FSUtil is that for. However, I find that GetTypes method is trying to open archives (giving you the password dialog when the archive is password protected, when this happens and you cancel the prompt dialog, Dopus hangs!!!), and giving you invalid as result, I just want to know if a path is a file or a folder, simple as that, with support of collections, some way to achieve that?

Archives are both files and folders, and there are different situations where you'd want both answers.

We might consider adding a way to check if something is an archive, or extending the possible ways GetType can be used. However, there's nothing wrong with using Scripting.FileSystemObject from Opus scripts, which will give you the filesystem's view of things (zip archives are files).

If you link your account and send an example script that triggers the crash, we will look into that. If a crash dump was created at the time of the crash, please also include that. You can zip and email them to me at: leo@gpsoft.com.au - thanks!

(I've got quite a backlog right now, so it may take a few days to get to.)

In today's new beta, GetType can be made to report archives as files.