FTP Folder Tree and Custom Command button in 9


Thanks for version 9!

Was the FTP Folder Tree added to version 9? This was one of the key things I was waiting for and I did not see how to get it, but I heard it was being added.

Also, I am having problems with a Toggle command. I added a button that would open a new lister style (dual horizontal). However, I can't get it to be a toggle button.

The command I have is... prefs STYLE="Dual Horizontal"

But, if I add prefs STYLE="Dual Horizontal",toggle it does not work.

Now, if I make the command set DUAL=horiz,toggle, I do get a dual file view, but no dual folder trees, so that does not work.

Is a toggle button possible with prefs STYLE="Dual Horizontal" ?



Support for showing the contest of Zip files in the Folder Tree was added but I don't think the tree handles FTP sites yet, sorry.

I don't think toggle is valid with STYLE.

You could make a three-button which has one style on the left-click and another style (or ^previous) on the right-click. Not quite as nice as an actual toggle button, though.

Try this:

Set DUAL=horiz,toggle TREE=Toggle

Hi Leo,

Thanks for the reply. The No-Folder Tree on FTP is a major dissapointment to me. I wish this so I can stop using some of the FTP clients I have used before. Why? Because the good FTP products I have purchased have had this, and it just makes good "work flow" sense to have this option. My mind just "processes" familar layouts, and when I have a remote FTP tab or window it does not make sense for what is on the left side to not reflect what is on the right side.

So my vote on this is "high priority". I will make this suggestion in the feature suggestions forum if it is not already in a recent request there.

I did find a solution BTW to the dual-folder tree problem with the toggle button. I can use set DUAL=horiz,toggle fine, I just had to enable the "Open second folder tree in dual display mode". I now get what I was looking for, with a toggle.



Glad you got it sorted. :slight_smile:

About the folder tree FTP stuff, don't forget to send the feature request via gpsoft.com.au/Support.html as well. The forum's just for talking about ideas, not the official route to request things.

Especially at busy times like this, forum posts might fall through the cracks.