My computer got a virus. After scanning and removing all of the infected files, many of my settings were not correct. Everything seems to be back to normal except when I try to FTP. I have a large number of logins stored in DO. For some of them I can connect fine. For others, the connection fails with a general error message. In the FTP log is says, "425 Sorry, invalid address given." I looked at those accounts in the FTP editor and they appear fine. I'm hoping it is some setting change since that's what it was with all of the other problems I had as a result of this but I don't know what to look for. Does anyone know what might be causing this? What can be done?
The issue is usually caused by the server not being able to open a data port on your machine. Maybe the malaware has infected more than you thought and is affecting the registry or socket layer of this machine.
Sometimes the router can be the cause. Power cycle or reboot the router and see what happens.
There's several discussion on Google on such issues.
Thanks for the suggestion. I took a look around and found a few suggestions on what might fix it. One was to switch to passive mode. I changed the setting in the network tab to not use the default and set the mode to passive and was able to connect. I compared that setting with one of the accounts that work and I use the default on the other accounts so that doesn't make sense to me why it would work, but it does.
When in the FTP address book, there are a lot of "use default" checkboxes. Where are those defaults set? I looked in the advanced settings and there is one named ftp_no_pasv_change but the help file doesn't sound like that is what I want. I want to be sure the default mode is set to passive to see if that fixes this problem instead of going into all of the broken ones and changing the setting that way.
The Use Defaults refers to the Default page in the global setting area. This is at the top of the address book listings. Normally one should start by using the global defaults for all and adjust for a specific site if required.
Passive connections are the normal way to connect when behind a NAT router. Active connections are usually blocked these days for security reasons.
So go to the Default Settings at the top of the address book and set each page to use the default (recommended) settings. Then for individual site entries select the various pages to Use Defaults.
The Misc->Advanced should only be used for very special cases. Leave these alone:)